
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Have Died and Gone to Avengers Heaven...

Doug: I will probably never own this, and I will confess that when I saw this image I got all giddy. I am certain I must have some stupid grin on my face even as I type this. Wow. Just WOW!!! Here is a link to text that was attached to it. Wow... By the way, look closely to see the Wasp -- and did you notice (I did not at first) that the backdrop is really Goliath's visor and mask?


  1. Nice pic, but... What the hell is up with Thor's veins? Dude, lay off the Asgardian 'roids!

  2. I might get run outta town for this, but I don't like it. Mostly because of the angle, I think. By having the Avengers looking down at the viewer, coupled with Ross' standard "heroic stare" facial expression, the overall feel I get from this is a resounding "We're better than you." Which Thor is too noble for, Cap would never do, and Hawkeye wouldn't be able to maintain a straight face while trying.

    Tony? Now for him it works perfectly. ;)

  3. Chris --

    When you look at the painting, think of the line when Thor uttered, "Ultron, we would have words with thee!" and I think the posturing might work better for you.

    Personally, I love the painting. I can see where you'd be put off, and yes, Alex Ross uses this pose often. But it's about time, after he's done so much work for DC, that he gets back into the Marvel Universe. I would long for similar treatments for the FF, Defenders, the All-New, All-Different X-Men, etc. I love the guy's work (and recognize his faults) and am ever eager to see more!

    Have a great day, and thanks (you, too MaGnUs!) for the good words.


  4. Oh I love his work, I just much prefer when he does action shots. The lineup thing has never been as intriguing to me as when he's got a passel of superdoers doing super.

  5. BEEAAUUTIFUL rendition of "our" Avengers by Mr. Ross! Hopefully, a poster will be produced....
