
Monday, June 20, 2011

You Say It's Your Birthday / It's My Birthday Too

Doug: Yessiree, Happy Birthday to me! Forty-five years ago (1966, if ya ran out of fingers and toes) I made my debut, around 5:30 am Central Time (or so I'm told). Today you will honor me by taking a trip down memory lane, having a look-see at some comics that would have been on the stands in the hospital gift shop, had my parents chosen to get me something really useful to commemorate the day! By the way, I'm approximating, as you'll notice that all of the books I've chosen have an August cover date -- I could be off a few weeks here or there, but let's not dwell on the details -- only the coolness!



  1. Happy Birthday, Doug! Mine was just last Tuesday and my mother & youngest brother shared a birthday last Sunday -- lots of Geminis. I turned 4 years old in '66 and I don't even remember if I was reading comics yet but at least I've read all those Marvel titles, albeit in reprint form. Best covers -- unquestionably Romita's debut on Spider-Man, but I regard that Thor cover as a classic too, one of Kirby's most striking.

  2. Happy Birthday, you young whippersnapper! ;D

    You chose some really cool covers. Those Kirby kovers--hoo-ha!

  3. Happy birthday Doug! Some very cool covers here. I actually have three of those (X-Men, Avengers, JLA) though I bought them as back issues, probably in the early 80's, as I hadn't been born yet in 1966.

  4. Happy Birthday, Doug..

    My mom always teases me that she was changing my diaps when the JFK assassination news came over the wire. I'm a Gemini from May of '63.

    AGREED on the coolness of these covers, with classics of Spiderman's, Batman's, Thor's and Avengers..?

    Superb highlights!

  5. Happy Birthday from me as well - man, you're old (says the smirking smart alec only 2 years his junior...)
    You also just reminded me that my own birthday passed, rather uneventfully, about two weeks ago. Anyway, have a good one!

  6. HAPPY B-DAY DOUGLAS. Those are some cool covers. Wow! I can't believe how many Gemini's frequent this sight. I'm a Gemini myself having just turned 46 last month. Freaky.

  7. Many happy returns! I'm a whopping 48 on June 30th. I don't know how that's even possible.
    The X-Men issue is probably the earliest one I remember- love that Porcupine! The Magnus cover is beautiful but the Pop Art JLA cover is one of my favourites- yes, it's camp and ridiculous but that makes it a more audacious artistic statement.

  8. Thanks to all for the well wishes! For my birthday my wife bought me the TwoMorrows books Marvel Comics in the 1960's and it's follow-up of the same title, 1970's version! Looking forward to some sit-down time with those!

    She gets a bit frustrated with the June gift-giving, as our anniversary is at the beginning of the month and Father's Day and my birthday are usually within a few days of each other. But it's great for me!!

    Our conclusion to the Gwen/Goblin story will run tomorrow -- I hope we do it justice!

    Thanks again,


  9. Happy Birthday, thanks for posting the great covers from 1966. One of the great things about 'Amazing Spider-Man'#39 is that it's free of any captions. I imagine the torn shirt revealing the costume made lots of readers do a double-take when they saw that issue!

  10. Happy Birthday, Doug!

    As for me, I've gotta put my vote in for that Captain America cover. I loved that story SO MUCH.

  11. Happy Birthday Doug! It's almost scary how many close birthdays are found here.

    Dougie- We share a birthday in a week or so; I may be the old man here dating to 1960.

    Many terrific comics on display that month, Doug! You were welcomed in well; the Amazing Spiderman marks it magnificently! Also love that Life With Archie cover; the 60's were certainly in high gear then...

  12. Happy birthday Doug. Born in the same month as Amazing Spider-Man #39 came out. The comic book gods were clearly determined to mark your arrival in style.
