
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Comic Con News: Armor from Iron Man 3

Karen: As revealed at Comic Con International, new armor for Iron Man 3:

Karen: What do you think? Personally, I think it's too much gold, and the gold is too dull. But let's hear your thoughts.


  1. It looks like a toy tie-in, like "Desert Storm Iron Man" or some such thing. Or, if the Mandarin is truly the super-baddie, then this must be "Gobi Desert Iron Man".

    I'm with William on it.

    How about a cameo of the Bronze Age armor, with the boots that have that "cuffed" motif, and maybe even the nose mask? I'd dig that...


  2. I'm hoping it's just one variation that we'll see. The hot rod red is just too hard to beat!

    I can't wait to see pictures of Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin. he's been alternately described as looking like the Mandarin and an aging rock star...Lord I hope this one works...

  3. Man, it's not even gold - it looks more like the color of that asparagus mush you feed to little babies. Either one of those armors in the background are way better. So, yes, I definitely don't like it, and I hope Karen's right that it's just one variant of several - preferably some kind of prototype that malfunctions in the first 10 minutes.

  4. Is that perhaps going to be ditched at some point in the movie for the Extremis armor (which looked more snug)?

  5. It makes the moniker "Golden Avenger" more apt but just isn't very palatable. Lee & Ditko knew what they were doing all those decades ago when they (even if all Lee did was approve Ditko's new design) changed the all golden armor for a predominantly crimson uniform with gold mask, sleeves and leggings and his chest beam plate.

  6. Ick-- It's undeniably awful. If that's really going to be the dominant armor, then it's a jaw-droppingly disappointing choice on the designers' parts.

    Flash reaction #1: It looks like full-body long underwear w/ red patches sewn on.

    Flash reaction #2: The red elements are just completely arbitrary-- no sensible design thought put into them at all. "It needs more red. Try here & here & here" seems to be the extent of the artistic process in play.

    Flash reaction #3: The helmet/faceplate are still okay.

    Honestly, something monochrome would have been preferable-- even if it was the ugly tan/gold we're seeing here. 'Course, then IM starts looking a little bit like a Star Wars storm trooper or something. . .

    Wow, Fred-- was the shift 'way back from clunky gold box to form-fitting scarlet & gold battleskin indeed a Steve Ditko contribution? I truly did not know that-- how very cool, since that's really been the enduring basis for the character's look (more or less) ever since.


  7. Yes, I have to agree with you guys - too much ...that's not even gold, it looks like a dull mustard colour. I personally would have preferred a suit with more red in it.

    If I was the designer I would have stuck with the classic red and GOLD motif. Heck, even the Silver Centurion armour from Iron Man 2 (although Iron Man I was a better movie) would have looked better than this 'suit' from Iron Man 3. I don't have a problem with the new design itself but the colour scheme looks way too off. Red and a really shiny gold colour works best with ol' shell-head. I was re-reading an old issue of the excellent Warren Ellis/Adi Granov Extremis comic recently, and I remembered that Granov's marvelous designs were incorporated into the first movie. No shawarma for whoever designed this version! Oh Adi Granov, where are you? I doubt he had a hand in this fashion disaster.

    Finally, we get the Mandarin as the baddie. Haven't seen any images yet but hope Sir Ben gives us a good performance!

    - Mike 'munitions specialist & colour expert' from Trinidad & Tobago. :)

  8. Actually, Edo, it's not the color of the food going in, but more what it looks like coming out.

    (..sorry.., couldn't resist..).

    Nope, it's terrible, awful, don't know what else to call it. As the negative audience reaction to the black-leathered movie X-men showed us, just stick close to the classic look, Disney.

    Hmmm, does it's evolution remind anyone of how bad the Batsuits got..?

    C'mon Jon Favreau and Disney, PLEASE don't go 'Joel Schumacher' on us..

  9. He looks more like Butterscotch Man than Iron Man.

  10. MattComix, I nearly spewed my sip of coffee over my keyboard when I read that.


  11. david_b, heh, your observation about the color being similar to what comes out of a baby was actually something I was going to say, but then I decided to take the high road. Otherwise, in some circles, that color apparently has precisely this designation: my older brother has a friend whose family owned a car restoration and detailing business, and, apparently in the business everyone refers to the color of that new Iron Man armor as babys**t yellow...

  12. If they are intent on making this Tony Starks primary armor for the movie then they should just switch the colors around. You know Red where there is gold, and gold where there is red...
