
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Buy Yourself Some Bronze Age Love

Doug:  Here's a simple question, with all BABers living in the same fantasy land:  Let's just suppose that either Karen or I won the lottery (which we didn't), and allowed every one of our readers to go to their local comic shop or a convention nearby and pick out one item -- on us.  What would you get?  To complicate your thinking just a bit, this is your LCS; it's not a mail-order offer.  Nope -- you go to the LCS or a convention that is closest to you and pick out one item.  Again, what would you get?  Money is no object, because, hypothetically (don't anyone try to send us a bill!) we're going to reimburse you.

Doug:  So what's that one thing you'd love to have, have always stayed away from due to price, but now in this fantasyland you could finally own?  Does your LCS have a great stock of back issues?  Is there a hardcover or omnibus you've wanted?  How about statues?  What's the nearest convention to you like?  Is it a megacon like New York, Chicago, or San Diego?  Or is it a smaller, mom-and-pop show in a hotel ballroom or civic center?  The sky's the limit today, friends, based on your circumstances -- wish away!

Doug:  Below is something I wanted many years ago, when the Warner Bros. Studio Stores were still around.  It's a very large print, painted of course by Alex Ross of the Legion of Super-Heroes (I believe Karen ran this image previously in a post she penned).  Framed, matted -- wow.  I'd love to have this!  And I know that I've seen these at the Chicago Comicon in past years, so I meet my own criteria for today's post.  Pricey, this is!  And, in the event that I could not get hold of this beauty, I'd probably purchase myself the set of bootlegs of the 1966 Marvel Super-Heroes cartoons -- someone please tell me why these never received the DVD treatment?


  1. You really tied my hands here, because I was going to say something like the whole set of Fireside paperbacks (Origins, Son of Origins, Superhero Battles...) or the entire run of Marvel's Tarzan, including the annuals, and have you cover binding costs as well. However, there is no LCS where I live that offers this kind of stuff, nor does any of this appear at the few conventions I have access to.
    So the only thing I recently saw in my LCS that I kind want is the Complete Domino Lady - reprinting all of the original Domino Lady stories from the old pulp magazines, all designed and with new art by Jim Steranko in a lovely hardcover book with a slipcase. The price is about $60, which is way, way more than I'm willing to pay for something like that. So that's what I'd get.

  2. I would load up on all the Spirit Archives I could locate.

    One regret I have from the last decade is that I did not plug into these and get them as they came out. It wasn't financially feasible for a short time there, but I could've filled the gap by now.

    I have lots of Spirit in lots of formats, but to have those Archives with the stories all the way through would be outstanding.

    This is an afterthought, but I wish I'd been savvy enough to dump new comics years ago and just get archives all along. I've spent enough on new crap to have picked up nearly all the old vintage stuff anyway.

    Rip Off

  3. I'd snatch up all of those think Marvel Omnibus editions like Walt Simonson's Thor. They look awesome but cost in the three figures, right?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'd be with Inkstained on some of those Omnibuses, or perhaps some early FF love from 1962-63 in F+ or better condition.

    Those Bowen statues (and the 'mini-statues') are all really swell, but quite frankly, I have WAY too much as it is.

    Hey Doug, as for those Marvel Cartoons, I don't know why they haven't had an 'official release' yet, but you can easily pick up the bootleg disks (I had every single episode a few years back, but then parted with Namor's collection for some reason...).

    Or just burn your own off what's on Youtube. I've done that plenty of times.

  6. The Sixties Marvel toons were released in the UK. Not by Marvel mind but by a company that releases all sorts of obscure cartoons.

    Maybe just waiting on someone asking for a licence?

  7. I just bought Invaders Classic Vol. 1 today in Aberdeen, braving the flooding and landslips!

    I'd like vol. 1 of The Champions please, since there are at least four stories I've never seen in colour.

    Alternatively, I'd like Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 4. It reprints Conan the Buccaneer: I loved that paperback as a kid.

  8. Spidermobile! Spidermobile! Spidermobile!

    'Nuff said?

    Mike W.

  9. Mike, that's one of my all-time wants.. An accurate Spidermobile for my Megos or Legends.. Not what Mego released but one like the comic. Was planning making my own custom one of these days.

    Actually the Mego one would be fine, too.

  10. Hmm I was gonna cheat and say I'd pick up the first 100 issues of Spider-Man, The FF, Thor, Hulk & the Avengers!

    Only one purchase? Hmm that's tough; I agree with Dougie - SSOC Vol 4's adaptation of Conan the Buccaneer has gorgeous artwork by Buscema & DeZuniga; great story and great art. I have an old reprint of one part somewhere in my room. It's not the first thing I'd buy, though. I'd probably cop out and just buy a wall sized Spider-Man poster!

    - Mike 'I want too much stuff' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  11. David – I hate to tell ya, but I think Mike W wants the ACTUAL Spider Mobile :0)

    For me, I hate to be so obvious, but X men 1. My first ever issue was #93 (talk about a weird place to come in) back in 1975, and it would be nice to finish the collection by walking into a proper LCS, asking them to take it down off the wall and then throwing my money (or better still, Doug & Karen’s money) down on the counter and walking out with it. Much more satisfying than bidding on eBay. In my mind, it would be like the bit in Wayne’s World where he finally buys the guitar.


  12. Ah, thank you Richard. I clearly wasn't thinking BIG ENOUGH.

    Apparently those vehicles are parked outside all LCS's, I just never noticed as they blend into the background or something.

    ("..I kid, I kid..")

    Happy Yuletides, Everyone..!!

    - David 'Ok, now I WANT a 1:1 scale Spidermobile..' from Milwaukee.

  13. @David_b and Richard: I actually DID mean the Mego one, but now that you mention WOULD be pretty cool to do donuts on the side of a building like Spidey did in the Spider-Man/Human Torch miniseries!

    Mike W.

  14. I'd ask for the coffee table boulder, "75 Years of DC Comics". I would love to have it, but even at $130 down from $200 at Amazon, it is still out of my budget. Especially with 3 kids...oh to dream...
