
Sunday, December 16, 2012

What's Your Legion Moniker?

Doug:  Good news today, friends!  We've all passed the Legion of Super-Heroes try-outs, and are about to be instated as full-fledged members!  However, before the swearing in ceremony and awarding of our flight rings, we have to come up with some code names for ourselves.  My suggestion to you is that you come up with a superhero name that --
  • plays off your real name, or
  • describes what you do for a living, or
  • describes some personal or character trait of you, or
  • just plain sounds cool
Doug:  I'm going with Kid Pedagogy, as both my full-time job as well as my side gig with the USHMM involve that vocation -- specifically in world history, Holocaust history and literature, and economics.  I love teaching, and as I've probably said before (and I'm sure will say again) -- if you could get the politicians out of education, everyone would probably be better off.  Be that as it may, below is a shot of me in action and a drawing I've posted before, done for me by Mike Babinski, an artist who's done some work for DC and who I had as a student in the early 1990's.  Oh, my super power?  Of course, it's to make dead guys interesting!

Doug:  So what are you going to call yourself?


  1. I guess I would be Krav Maga Goy -- I've been practicing the Israeli martial art since 2005. I'm not Jewish though, so ...

    Alternately, I would be, well, Inkstained Wretch. My powers be super-journalism: the ability to cover things with ink and prevent them from becoming invisible. Not the greatest power, but highly useful in some circumstances...

  2. Dub me "Nostalgia Boy".

    My power would be to live in the glow of a softly remembered past, paying heed only to those things which gave me pleasure and ignoring for a time the agitations and upsets of those olden days. I would be able then to shine this warm light from the past onto others, lulling them into a state of comfort and ease, so that the rigors of today don't overwhelm as they try to do the right thing.

    My arch-enemies from the distant planet "Nostalgia" (circling the sun "Neverwas") are jokers like Bill O'Rielly and Glen Beck who use their frozen ten-year old memories of a mythical "traditional" America as a cudgel to bludgeon those seeking to build new futures for themselves and others.

    Rip Off

  3. Assessment Lad from the BiblioTech planet. Everyone on my world can grade the critical essays of students with a single glance.

  4. I'd be Literature Boy, able to devour entire books at a time (somewhat like Matter Eater Lad)! :)

    - Mike 'also Couch Potato Lad' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  5. As Cookie Eater Lad is taken, I'll have to go with MP3 Lad,; emitting an almost constant aura of music.

  6. Kreative Kid, with abilities to inspire others to creative action--drawing, writing, music. I fight The Block, a supervillain organization intent on crushing creative spirits.

  7. Call me Kid Soother, an empath with the power to calm the jangled spirits and smooth the jagged edges of abused and damaged children, youth, and sometimes even my wife, the legendary Tiger Queen.

  8. Since Cookie Eater Lad is taken, and there's that Legion rule against duplicate powers, I must be Trivia Kid, able to astound (or bore to death) villains and citizens alike with useless information off of any subject found in Trivial Pursuit.

    By the way, Doug, as an extension of your powers, perhaps you can even bring dead guys to life, both figuratively and literally?

  9. Jeez, you all have GREAT monikers, some of which I would have loved. I'd have to go with Hippychick Lad. There's a huge background story to that; despite my 26yrs in military logistics, I'm still bestowed with a flower-powered heart.

    I don't like large-scale deployment planning; I just happen to be very good at it.

  10. If there are too many "Eaters" I'll go with either Sleeping Man, Reclining Boy, or Couch Sloth

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I guess I'll go with Info Lass, since whether I'm on my own time or at work, I always seem to be digging up information on something.

    However, I could just as easily be Coca Cola Kid, who receives super-vitality from that refreshing beverage!

  13. Karen, much agreed, as I've drank a wide range of both alcoholic (and non-) drinks in my life, NONE is ever as refreshing as a Coca Cola with ice.

  14. I finally get to join the Legion! I always wanted to be Mon-El in the Bates-Cockrum era. He had all of Superboy's powers, but his costume was a little cooler, and he was the leader. I used to love watching him order Superboy around when he got cranky during a crisis. And Superboy's basic attitude was always " high do you need me to jump?". Best Legion leader ever. So I'll be Mon...wait, I don't get to be Mon-El? I don't even get to be Ultra Boy? Jeez.

    Well, all my friends are musicians. And among them, I'm known as the guitar player who can play slide (which just perplexes the the rest of my guitar players friends), the guy who knows how to use effects (fuzz, echo, etc). So from now on, refer to me as....Slide-Effect Lad!

    This is such a greater honor than the time I was approached by Titans West. I mean c'mon. Those losers were drawn by Don Heck.

    Slide-Effect Lad (aka James Chatterton)

  15. Deadhead Dude.

    Peace, Jerry, and Happy Holidays.

