
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Discuss: Star Trek (the original series)

Karen: OK. let's hear it: share your thoughts, feelings, and observations on the original Star Trek series (just the TV show, not the films that came after).


  1. I was born in '62, so I saw some of the original episodes at the time they aired (the last season, mostly) and the rest in endless rerun. The show had a profound effect on me, which is why I think it's important to consider what visuals our children are exposed to when they're young. (People who take little kids to extemely violent or misogynistic films, you really are shaping their psyches!)

    What I took from Trek when I was little that has stuck with me:

    1. Logic.
    Mr. Spock was cool. He could always analyze a situation dispassionately. Really, the entire show revolved around figuring out what exactly was going on in any situation and coming up with some logical way to deal with it, so that notion that you should rely on logic became central for me.

    2. Who cares what color you are?
    Along with other TV shows of the time (I Spy comes to mind especially), Star Trek put together people of different ethnic/racial backgrounds and then acted as if there weren't any issues with it. That vision was powerful. TV backed away from later as progressive cultural dreams also faded from the popular consciousness, but Star Trek made the vision vivid, and it stuck with me as "the way things should be."

    3. Science and space are cool.
    'Nuff said.

    4. Kirk and women.
    The show, for all the good it did, also treated women pretty shabbily, but mostly in the way common to the culture of parading "pretty" ones before you. I'm sure that had some deleterious effect, but Kirk's finding a woman to hit on on every planet was something that, as a little kid, I simply tolerated until they could get back to the story.

  2. "Indeed, the characters grew to be the stuff of legends.."

    To think, most of us can actually remember when it just left the airwaves, even some (like William) who remember watching first run eps.

    Bein' a young kid off the farm, circa '71/72 I didn't have much stuff up in my room back then.., perhaps some Packer posters, wondering when I'd ever get a new Captain Action outfit (little did I know then..). I've often said to my Mom, 'Once I got hooked on Trek, all the sports stuff went bye-bye.'

    There'll be PLENTY more to add in today, but just some pre-java thoughts.

  3. Something strange: I could happily sit and argue that it was a product of its time, and then turn round and argue the exact opposite.

    I loved the multi-ethnic, multicultural crew. And the best part was that it was never even commented on. As William said, I loved the idea that you could have Americans, Russians, Chinese, Swahili, Scots (& Vulcan’s) all working together and it be accepted as normal.

    I think it was one of those shows that carried the ethos of its creator. Even when it wasn’t Roddenberry writing.

    In the 70’s, most American TV’s shows we saw in the UK were like 6 million dollar man or Charley’s Angels i.e. they were glossy and fun but not really about anything. Worst of all, they often contrive to end on some kind of trite moral message (sit coms were the worst for this) or work towards a contrived punch line...basically, South Park’s “now that’s what I call a sticky situation”.
    I remember episodes of Star Trek ending well, often cleverly, sometimes not neatly (to their credit). Most of all, sometimes with genuine poignancy. The one that really sticks with me, though I have no idea what the episode was about or what it’s called is the one where Kirk says the three words that are basis of human civilisation. You’re just waiting for him to say something cringe worthy like I love you or you’re my brother, and he says ‘please help me’. I remember thinking ‘wow, yes, those words carry a lot before them and a lot after them’.

    I loved waiting for favourite episodes to come back round again. As kids we loved Tribbels and the gangster one, but my favourite was the Menagerie. I was gutted 20 years later when I finally saw ‘the Cage’. For some reason it really detracted for me. The Menagerie should have been rubbish because it was just a contrived way to crowbar the unused pilot into the series, but it was bigger than the sum of its parts to me, especially given the tragic fate of Captain Pike.


  4. Something else I love is that Shatner stole the first interracial kiss from Leonard Nimoy (not the sense in which one normally uses the phrase ‘stole a kiss’). And he actually did it for the history-making reasons. Personally, if I was kissing Nichelle Nichols, we’d have gone to 15 takes.

    She was actually a superb singer and wanted to leave Star Trek to go onto Broadway, but Dr. King asked her to stay because her role as Uhura was too important to the cause.


  5. Actually Richard, you struck a great chord..

    Kirk was musing to Edith Keeler on 'City on the Edge of Forever' about the future words.. "Let Me Help" replacing "I Love You".

    A very poetic and timely slice of dialog, one of many items which made that episode one of, if not THE best episode.

  6. I wish I had more time this morning to comment, but unfortunately I have a gigantic excel spreadsheet looming over me,demanding my attention. Like William, the show has had an enormous and lasting effect on me, in many ways coming second only to my parents in shaping my character. That might sound absurd at first blush but I think it really may well be true. The characters on the show were flawed but generally good people, and the morality they professed still seems to be one I can get behind today.

    Just a side note before I go:I had the chance to read our own William Prestons' short stories "Helping to Take the Old Man Down," "Clockworks," and am still reading "Unearthed", all available at Amazon Kindle, and would highly recommend them, particularly if you have an interest in Doc Savage or pulp characters, but even if you don't, they are very well written, thoughtful pieces.

  7. Richard, re: kissing Uhura - ha! 15 takes at least. Even when I watched the reruns as a preteen, I often found myself wondering why Kirk was having that non-romance with Yeoman Rand or making out with all those women, alien or not, that they ran into on their journeys when Uhura's sitting right there next to him. Or why none of those other dummies on the ship seemed interested either...

    Otherwise, what can I say about the original series that hasn't already been said? Like so many of us here, I grew up watching the reruns throughout elementary and high school and even college. I totally agree with William and Richard about the very progressive picture created by the show, in that there were people from all over the planet serving on the ship and in Star Fleet. Most people, rightfully I suppose, point out that there was a black woman serving as a bridge officer, but I thought Sulu was just as important: an Asian, Japanese no less (when in the US at least there was still quite a bit of animosity toward them due to the WW2 experience), who was not portrayed as some kind of 'Oriental' caricature - i.e., no stereotypically comical or oafish personality traits and, crucially, no contrived 'Oriental' accent.

    Another thing I really like about the original series is that despite the really low-budget, rudimentary special effects, you really got this sense of awe at what they were doing, that they were quite often facing alien beings and forces far beyond their power and beyond any human comprehension - that was something all of the later follow-up series (however much I may like them) generally lacked.

  8. Way too much for me to say here much along the lines of what everyone else is saying, so instead I will keep it short to just say this ... To this day my dad claims the reason I need to wear glasses is because of me sitting too close to the T.V. day-after-day watching Star Trek re-runs when I was a kid.

    He may have a point, but it was worth it!

  9. Enjoying all of the comments today. I'm a fan of the show, but I won't pretend to know as much about it as most other posters here.

    But I think this show has endured because the storytelling is so strong. Science fiction shows of this era couldn't rely on special effects, so having quality writing and acting was critical. Same could be said for The Twilight Zone, for example.

    That's a great story about Nichelle Nichols and MLK, Richard. I've heard that he supposedly was a fan of the show. And I don't think Star Trek's diversity can be overemphasized. America was a very different place in 1966 than it is today, and Star Trek presented a positive message at a time when such a message was badly needed.

  10. Hi Bruce – hard to imagine that she was literally the first black woman on TV ever who wasn’t a servant or maid or similar and was treated as a full equal. I checked the quote after I wrote that. Apparently, MLK said to her "Once that door is opened by someone, no one else can close it again." Which I think we all agree is a very ST sentiment.

    Above I mentioned my love of the Menagerie – clearly made either because they were over budget or behind schedule (or both), but superb. When I was little, I remember also loving the one where they become the Clantons (so lovingly parodied on Red Dwarf). I’m sure that was made to capitalise on existing sets (as so many of them were) but it stuck with me.


  11. Folks always lament how much an *** Shatner was during the filming of the old series.

    People have to realize, this was television in THE SIXTIES, not 'Friends'. Shows back then typically only had a couple of leads, markets/advertisers/network execs were tough, and you had a lot riding on you if you were the series lead. All the production, all the folks hired, etc.. A lot of paychecks were riding on you as 'the face' of the series. Ensemble series wasn't really in vogue, so yes he probably wasn't very nice sometimes, but I'd categorize most of his terseness as mere 'brushing aside' costars and guest stars.

    So, 'Sorry he wasn't nicer to you', but he's been around the block enough.. I've known several folks who've worked with him with charity horse events, and after years of Hollywood and it's darker edges, he's had to be cautious who he warms up to, as is probably true for most celebrities with any kind of following. As Davy Jones once said, "I'd like to be THAT GUY that everyone loves, but sometimes I'm just racing to catch a flight or I REALLY have to pee.."

    Karen, TOTALLY understand the character development. I've mentioned this to several friend lately, where television characters have perhaps made MUCH more impact on personalities than family, I suspect. Especially those who may have grown up with both parents working, few siblings, and relatives not close enough to visit. What exactly did psychologists expect..??

  12. Karen, thanks so much for that kind mention. I'm glad you've enjoyed and appreciated those stories.

    Another Trek thought (and I wonder if this was true for others here): Trek gave me a mental playground. When I was on the jungle gym, or under the covers, or riding my bike I imagined myself on the bridge of the Enterprise. Biking or walking in the woods, I imagined pulling out a communicator and calling up to the ship. The show gave me not just scenarios, but tactile elements--screens, phasers, communicators, tricorders, lots of buttons, a computer that talked to you, sliding doors--that shaped an imaginary architecture for me.

  13. Put it this way: They make me wish I lived in their world.

  14. Matt: very well and succinctly put.

  15. I love that Trek gave us a hopeful future. It bothers me that so much of the science fiction on TV or film today is dystopian.

    William, I spent many a day in the wooded area near my grandparents' home pretending I was part of a landing party (not an away team!). I had an old Pink Pearl eraser I had painted black that was a phaser. Every lizard or potato bug was an exotic alien life form. Great fun.

    I saw Shatner last month doing his one man show. A bit rambling, but amusing. He addressed the issue of his mistreatment of his co-stars, essentially saying that he never even noticed he was doing it. Whatever the truth might be, I think David is right to some extent -the show was not an ensemble, it had a star (well, two really) and maybe two featured actors, and the rest were supporting cast. It doesn't excuse rudeness but the lead has a lot more to do, and more stress, than someone who has one line.

  16. Great mixture of characters (logical Spock, emotional McCoy, kick your ass and steal your girlfriend Kirk), great morality plays, loved the mixed races (especially the pointed eared guy!) and all wrapped up in a cool sci-fi package.
    Many other here have already summed up most of my accolades very well and I can't add much to it. How many people working at NASA have been inspired by this show?
    I remember looking forward to Saturday nights to I could watch Star Trek reruns in syndication (luckily my dad and I outvoted mom's vote to watch Lawrence Welk at that time) and I remember as a child that my two biggest heroes were Mr. Spock and Sherlock Holmes.

  17. Oh, to Karen's comments posted at the same time as mine - it seems to me that the only optimistic sci-fi futures I can think of are Star Trek and the Legion of Super-Heroes, and many of the post 1988Legion incarnations have actually been more pessimistic than optimistic. That's just one more reason to love Star Trek.

  18. I was barely aware of Star Trek in the 70s...Star Wars was a much bigger deal in my crowd, so I didn't get into Trek until well into the 80s. Of course, I embraced it wholeheartedly and I've seen every episode of every series and read quite a few of the books too. Not much I can add to what's already been said here...I like Star Trek because of the mix of drama and humour; it seems more "lifelike" that way.

    Has anyone here read "Inside Star Trek" by Robert Justman and Herb Solow? It's a behind the scenes look at what was going on during the production of the show. Some of the stuff was hilarious, and it's fascinating to see all the minutiae that went into a SF show back then. It can also be a bit depressing (much like "Marvel The Inside Story") when it reveals all the fighting and other crap that went on behind the scenes. I guess nobody's perfect...

    Mike W.

  19. The thing that always struck me about Star Trek was how truly bizarre the adventures often were.

    Kirk & company at various times: Traveled to planets that resembled the Nazi Germany, Prohibition Illinois, ancient Rome and the Wild West; Tackled living rock monsters; Aged super-fast; trvaled to a evil mirror universe; rescued Spock's stolen brain; fought alongside Abe Lincoln; became captive to creature literally half-black and half white searching for a different half-black, half-white guy; time traveled to the 1930s to ensure the US enters WWII; and fought Gods who could change reality at the snap of a finger, among other things...

    Unlike other sci-fi shows then or now, it was not interested in spending a lot of time on the explanations for this. You were supposed to accept that in space exploration in the 23rd century, this stuff just happened.

    As a kid it truly blew my mind .. and helped to me to realize that you should never put a limit on your imagination.

  20. Love this show, own every episode on dvd. This series still works on multiple levels.

    First off, the vision of the show, even if it was heavy-handed at times, certainly had its heart in the right place.

    It also works on an unintentionally funny level. I love Shatner, but you can't help but laugh at some of Kirk's speeches. Here's my favorite Kirk moment:

    And while the special effects, sets and costumes look great for their time, some of them look funny today.

  21. My typical reply to those sci-fi geeks (and Asimov..) who put down 1999 for it's absurd science (moon leaving earth, etc..), is the 'absurdity' of Transporters and Warp Drive in Trek, which still seem a preeeeetty far stretch..

    Obviously I'm not dense; the difference is clearly physical laws of science (1999) versus supposed eventual technology (Trek). But remember everyone, just how archaic things were back in the 70s..? Cell phones were still decades away.

    Hey, 'a spaceship is STILL a spaceship...' to me.

    Anywho, I did appreciate how charitable Rodenberry was towards 'Lost in Space'. He praised Irwin Allen for 'telling stories', while Gene told messages and morality plays. And CBS put a LOT more money behind LIS than NBC did for Trek, although at times it's hard to see.

    As for effects, as I mentioned a few weeks ago on the Trek column, I'm not a big fan of the new CGI.

    Give me the classic effects I grew up on. You can splendidly beautify the space sequences all you want, folks, but Kirk is STILL throwing a sponge rock.

    (Unlike LucasFilms, at least Paramount allows us to enjoy BOTH old and new...)

    1. Not to quibble, but cell phones were around in the '70s.

  22. Great point IW! I loved the variety in the show, along with the great writing and other aspects others have mentioned here.

    I also played Star Trek, and made an Enterprise and phaser out of Lego blocks. Scotty, Spock and Kirk were the popular characters to be amongst my childhood friends.

    It was bold, intelligent, visionary and entertaining!

  23. I agree with others that Star Trek helped shape who I am, how I see the world.

    Another thing that struck me when I watched Season 1 again last year--the colors! Very colorful show, from the uniforms to the lighting effects to the control panels. Love it.

    Great Kirk speech, J.A. I think Shatner is exactly right in his acting style for Kirk. Another actor would've been tamed down, but less memorable.

  24. Curious, 'Cell phones in the 70s..'??

    Well, most technology was 'around' to some primordal extent, but not for commercial use. I never knew ANY one who had one; it was primarily CBs, FM Comms, and you basic telephone network.

    Ah, and MOST of us remember 'the party line'..., where you could listen to other folks talking on their telephone.

  25. Funny thing for me is that when I watch the TOS it feels less dated to me than TNG.

    My theory is that since TNG aired in my post-adolescence I am much more embarrassed for its foibles (like they should have known better), and thus feels hokey to me. TOS, on the other hand, went off the air two years before I was born, so I feel like it can reflect its era (or even be ahead of its time) without reflecting on me. :)

    Anyway, I love the damn thing. Sunday afternoon reruns (right after Mission: Impossible) on local TV, and right after Twilight Zone late nights all through my pre-teen and teen years.

    It was the first show I tried to record every episode of on VHS once I got my hands on that technology (and I got really close).

    Still my go to show for days that I stay home from work sick. So happy they are on Netflix instant watch.

  26. I've recently seen some of the "remastered" episodes with new state of the art digital effects added and I really the original, somewhat cheesy 1960's special effects, which actually were pretty state of the art for a TV show at the time. They're part of what gives the show its charm...along with Shatner's occasional overacting.
    As for "The Menagerie", that episode exists because the first pilot cost so much to film that they had to use that footage somehow, but because it was so different from the final series they couldn't it wouldn't fit in with the newer episodes. So Roddenberry came up with the frame story. That also allowed the show to get back on schedule as they only had to shoot one episode's worth of new material for a two parter.
    Being the series only two parter makes "The Menagerie" even more special and its one of my favorite episodes. Though "Journey To Babel" is my absolute favorite. That one hour contains everything that makes Trek great.

  27. David B, never seen Space 1999. What was the premise and what are its merits?

  28. Matt:

    Never heard of Space:1999...?


    BAB had a 'Discuss' column about it last year, you should check it out. It was an international show from 1975-77 made in England, broadcasted on over 140 markets.

    And, sorry to say, regarding Cell phones.., while the first hand-held mobile phone was introduced in 1973 by two inventors, the first commercial cell phone network wasn't established until 1979 (in Japan).

    The first commercially available cell phone (DynaTAC 8000x) wasn't available until 1983 (all courtesy Wikipedia..).

    1. Said never seen it, not never heard of it...I'll have to look at the archives as the Wikipedia description is slight.

      Never said commercially available, we were talking about technology you said was decades in the future...I just noted that the tech existed in the early '70s.

  29. Not much to add here. It's seems we're all pretty much in agreement that Star Trek was just as much a part of growing up in the bronze age as comic books were. It's probably impossible for anyone younger than myself to gauge just how important Star Trek was. There was literally nothing like. All SFTV, and films for that matter fell far short of it until Star Wars hit in 1977.

    It still holds up far better than any other iteration of Trek for me. The chemistry between the cast was never successfully duplicated again. And the combination of the socially relevant leanings in the pre-PC era makes for something utterly unique.

    A sidebar: We used to play Star Trek on the playground in 3rd & 4th grade when the bullies were too busy to beat us up. I always demanded to be Kirk. Another friend wouldn't settle for anything less than Spock. My really smart friend always chose Scotty, and then gave him the most interesting things to do. Our friend Phillip however...always chose Uhura. Or WW if we played JLA. We couldn't figure out why for the life of us. Now we know.

    Lots of eloquently stated praise here today. I thought William Preston started things off beautifully.

    James Chatterton

  30. Ah, "Playground Memories"..

    (Hmmm, yet another column idea..)

    Like most of us, in 3rd/4th grade, I was typically Spock to my friend's Kirk (since his name was James, he insisted..). Landing parties around the playground was great. The jungle gym was the Enterprise, I believe, the slide was the transporter.

    A few years later, another buddy and I actually ordered Trek uniform patterns and braid from Lincoln Enterprises, and wore out outfits (complete with AMT Landing party set..) in our small-town July 4th parade. My mom used the pics from the first Starlog to shape my Vulcan ears.

    Ahhhh, 'Geeks on Parade..'

  31. Star Trek TOS rocks!

    Growing up in Trinidad in the 70s I used to watch TOS reruns all the time. As a kid I loved the action/adventure aspect of Kirk & co going to another planet to battle Klingons and other aliens. As I got older I realized the subtler yet more important aspects of the show - a multiracial cast which showed the great potential of humanity; peace and prosperity were achievable if we did not allow prejudice and narrow mindedness to cloud our judgement.

    - Mike 'Live long and prosper!' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  32. Like William Preston, I was also born in 1962, but my family moved to Japan (military brat here) in April 1967 and I have no memory of seeing the show before we returned to the states in 1970. Neither can I really remember when I first saw it, but I definitely remember the old Star Trek as part of the '70s -- seems it typically came on around 6 p.m., just after Gilligan's Island and before dad switched on to the nightly news. I was never a fanatic about it but I certainly enjoyed it. Fun and occasionally thought-provoking fantasy.

  33. There was also a Star Trek roleplaying game from a company called FASA that was quite fun. You could play Kirk & Spock & company or (even better) play your own invented crew of one of the Enterprise's sister ships on its own mission of exploration. It was a blast! I got to play it again just a couple of years ago and it's still great fun. Unfortunately the crew of the U.S.S. Hood fell apart as two-fifths of us were military and got transferred.

  34. *sigh*
    The only store-bought Halloween costume I ever owned was Mr. Spock. And I know I hung onto that mask for many, many years past its practical lifetime.

    I was born at the tail end of 1960, and have definite memories of the show in prime-time. I was HORRIBLY upset when "The Menagerie" left us hanging w/ a CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. . . and then, worst of all possible things, that next week it was pre-empted (at least on our local station), and we never got to see how it turned out! I distinctly remember crying and crying about it. A bit over-invested emotionally, I daresay.

    As much as I love Shatner as Kirk, and realize that his ego and self-absorbtion is just part of that rascal's package, I cannot give him that easy pass on his well-documented jerkish, boorish behaviour. The pressures of being a lead in a television series at that time were probably more likely to reveal the true strength (or weakness) of character of that person. There are simply far, far too many other stars who had reputations for being generous, warm and endlessly caring to pretty much the entire company. Barbara Stanwick, James Arness, Michael Landon, Fess Parker, Sally Field-- these all come immediately to mind. The takeaway is that true talent and strength of character don't really have to have even a nodding acquaintence.


  35. When people ask me why I love the original Star Trek series my answer is because of the camaraderie, philosophy and action which is the core of the show.
    Kirk, Spock and McCoy. It seemed the ideal friendship. It wasn't always easy or comfortable. They challenged each other to be better people and would risk it all for each other. To me their friendship is best summed up in Amok Time when Spock awkwardly requests McCoy's presence on the planet along with Kirk. McCoy responds I would honored sir.
    Philosophy. Star Trek told us we could be better and would be better. We are basically all the same. The same wants, needs and desires whether Black or White, male or female, human or Vulcan. Peace was preferable to war. Talking rather than fighting. We could all live in peace.
    And there was action for those who like it even in our more cerebral entertainment. It also served another purpose. It showed that the optimism in Star Trek wasn't just blind optimism and that the road to peace isn't always an easy journey. When it became absolutely necessary Kirk would use force. That force always was an option makes the many times that peaceful solutions are engineered that much more meaningful. And to be fair the action is Star Trek was usually brief and not always fatal.
    I wasn't one of the ones who saw Star Trek first run but my mom swears to me that I was unusually quiet on her lap when she watched Star Trek in the 60s.

  36. I saw the third and last season at least some in its original run. It would be years later though in re-run before I was able to see most of the episodes.

    The Blish books and Gold Key comics were actually more readily available than the series itself there for a while.

    The original series has the magic, whatever that was, of a solid cast, a compelling premise, and for the time, pretty dang good special effects, at least sufficient to tell the tale.

    Compared to Lost in Space and such, Star Trek seemed downright heavy.

    Rip Off

  37. HB/Karen, totally agreed on Shatner.

    I left off a comment that 'pressures' don't account for every mood swing or nasty action. Some folks are jerks by nature, no big surprise there.

    It's just that most folks who complain were never in his shoes, haven't carried a television series (at least in his eyes..), so I'm the sort of guy to say, 'Walk a mile in my shoes first'.

    But yeah, I'm sure he can be a smuck who doesn't suffer fools gladly. You see a lot of that in life.

  38. I think it says a lot about the show that so many of us came here and posted not so much about episodes or actors but more about what the show has meant to us. I don't know if any other TV show has made such an impact on people (perhaps the Dr. Who in the U.K.?). The original Star Trek is such a pervasive cultural influence. I can't help but think that much of it is due to the show's positive views and values. Yet I don't think you could get away with that kind of moralizing today.

    I'm also somewhat sad that the Trek films have lost that aspect. Not just the new films, but even the films that featured the original cast. I suppose when you have a two hour film you naturally go for spectacle, but it seems like the best Trek moments were the ones where difficult moral decisions were made, not when things were blowing up.

  39. Fantastic Four Fan 4everFebruary 21, 2013 at 9:46 AM

    I have lots of fond memories of the show. Especially the Mego action figures and the bridge set. I still have the bridge set, all dusted and battered from when I would orchestrate great battles with (who else) The Planet of the Apes action figures. It was Kirk and Spock running from the General Urko and Dr. Zaius after they were captured in a away team mission. This was way way back in 1975 when there were no video games. Comic books and action figures, especially Mego, occupied all my non-schoolwork or playtime activity.

    The original series used to play on an Channel 56, WLVI in Boston when our family first got cable TV in 1976. Every weekday at 10 P.M. Homework from school would come to a screeching stop so I could watch Star Trek in syndication. I saw the episodes at least five times each. My parents let me stay up to watch this program and they would also watch it with me. I have lots of good memories of the show. I started cartooning back then and I used to draw Kirk and Spock in their own adventures. It was a much more simpler time, years ahead of the internet and the entire video game phenomenon. I pretty much think the video game industry has replaced comic books and in the process kids don’t read as much anymore. It’s a shame because comic books are what started me on my reading habit. I’d like to think that kids like to read, but not like when I was a child.

  40. Great post, FFF4ever, made me recall this quote..:

    “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

    - George R. R. Martin

  41. Really late to this thread, I dont know who's still paying attention, but I read something last year I'd never heard before.
    Apparently the part of Kirk was first offered to Jack Lord (Steve McGarret). He wanted too much production involvement or resididuals or whatever that Roddenberry didn't want to give up.

    The thought of anybody but Shatner seems so impossible, but... Look at Dr. No again sometime. That's Jack Lord just before they started shooting Star Trek. Steely determination and a dangerous cold charm instead of wide-eyed slightly tubby over the top emotionality, I think it could have been pretty good...

    But then, my favorite character was always Bones.

  42. Mark, I recall reading that somewhere too.I'm sure in some alternate reality, Kirk ran around saying, "Book 'em, Spocko."
