
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Discuss: Donuts

Doug:  So the way I see it, the sun will kill us.  I'd like to die with a smile on my face.  Today we're talking about donuts -- and who doesn't like donuts?  Today's your day to tell your favorite kind -- is it cake donuts?  Longjohns?  Jelly-filled?  Plain ol' glazed?  Or, maybe you're one of those fancy-pants who likes sweet rolls, cinnamon rolls, and coffee cakes?  Who's hungry??

Doug:  And while you're at it, go ahead and brag on your favorite donut shop.  Is it Dunkin' Donuts?  Krispy Kreme?  Maybe your local grocery store has some killer pastries.  Got a local bakery that's worth telling about?


  1. Ok, now HERE is a definite Sunday morning crowd-pleaser..

    Ah, I will 'for the record' disclose here that I have never met a donut I didn't like or salivate for. And my still fairly-skinny disposition (even now at 50) can only be contributed to my sustained exercise and typically good diet. My marathon-running days are over, but I still do a lot of 5k and 10k runs.

    Hot Krispy's are superb, but some say their taste isn't as good when they've been out for a few hours, unlike Dunkin's which seem to retain their taste more. Krispy's may be too sweet to some, but I'm fine with it, especially with a nice black coffee. I do their variety though, those stuffed strawberry creme ones with the pink shavings on top will keep me glued to the ceiling for at least a day, 'til someone peels me off.

    Types..? I grew up not liking the custard filling (more a white whipped cream kid myself..), but I'm fine with either nowadays. Typically a chocolate frosting on top is fine for me. My standards when I'm on long road trips are crullers, apple fritters or any basic filled ones.

  2. Another hardcore image that comes to mind, verging on NSFD

    ("Not Safe For Diets")..

  3. As much as I always loved them as well, I do hardly ever eat donuts anymore-- probably been 10 years since I would have considered them a quick, tasty-treat breakfast option. After years of being an iron-stomached, metabolize-anything sort of joe, I discovered that donuts (among a few other things, like Cinnabon rolls **YUM!**) made me feel absolutely awful very shortly after I ate them. Yeesh-- it was like getting myself off of crack, I tell ya.

    Favorites? As a kid at home, it was the custard-filled chocolate eclairs my Dad would sometimes bring home after he went to early Mass on Sundays. But my Mom grew up in Paragould, Arkansas-- and on childhood trips there, we would stop by this local "bakery" on the little main street, which was actually just this old guy's garage. He would make scads and scads of donuts all night, put them on broom-handles, and deep-fry them in drums of cooking oil (somehow) right on the spot. Honestly, we would eat them to the point of getting sick and beyond-- usually just as we were hitting the road for the looooooong drive back to Michigan. I'm not sure what my parents were thinking by starting off a tough summer drive with a car full of deeply-nauseated, motion-sickness-prone, hyper-sugar-frenzied little kids in the back seat. . .

    Still prefer Krispy Kreme to Dunkin-- Dunkin has always had a pre-fabricated taste to me. And we have a local bakery (Raulins) in our town that still outdoes both. My favorite these days, when I have the occassional single indulgence? A big chocolate cake donut w/ chocolate icing. Ohhhhhh Baby. . .


  4. Oh, HB, thanks for reminding me, my mom has YET to grace me with her deep-fry donut recipe.. She used to make 'em homemade about 40some years ago.

    I know there's oodles of recipes out there, but like most will always agree, 'Mom's were the best'..

  5. I have to go with longjohns and bismarcks (jelly-filled)...always been my favourites. Any others are OK, but kind of "meh" for me.

    Mike W.

  6. To me, any donut with a glaze and/or cinnamon is automatically my favourite!

    - Mike 'when do we talk about cookies' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  7. If they served chocolate frosted devils-food donuts at all diplomatic meetings and functions, world peace would be achieved.

    To that end I would direct all governments of the world to Carol Lee Donuts in Blacksburg, VA.

  8. Ahhh, donuts! I now generally limit myself to donuts as a treat for Friday mornings (another reason to love Fridays). Growing up in Anderson, Indiana, the local grocery called PayLess offered my favorite. It featured a bakery with a cake donut with vanilla frosting covered thickly with chocolate sprinkles. Truly wonderful; they can still be found at the local Payless (but they always seem to disappear early).

    Here in Lafayette we have a fabulous family-run shop called Mary Lou's. A little A-frame building with warm, soft, HUGE donuts to die for...

  9. Redartz, I'm cracking up at the timeliness of your post. When my in-laws travel to Anderson they take 41 south and get I-65 in Lafayette. There's a service station on the west side of town that served donuts from Mary Lou's. Just Friday they texted my boys at AU to see if they'd like some apple fritters. For those of you not in the know, these fritters are the size of a dinner plate and about an inch thick. Well, apparently Mary Lou' s lost the contract with that gas station. My mother-in-law was pretty bent out of shape. She'd heard that Mary Lou's is in a big A-frame building like you said, but doesn't know where it is.

    As for me, the glazed chocolate and double chocolate from Dunkin Donuts are my favorites, along with their blueberry cake donut. Good eatin'!


  10. Doug- timing is everything! Tell your Mother-in-Law that MaryLou's is on the south side of Lafayette near State Road 25; at the bottom of the hill on 4th. Street. Maybe I'll see her there...
