
Monday, January 13, 2014

Breaking Ant-Man Movie News

Doug:  Bleeding Cool News has important casting information on the 2015 Ant-Man film.  How does Michael Douglas sound to you as Hank Pym?


  1. A bit old, perhaps but an older Dr Pym helping out a young Scott Lang would be cool

    Please please please, can Catherine Zeta Jones be included as, well, some character..???

  2. Ah should have read the link.

    Pym a villain...?

    Shades of Shooter, NOT AGAIN.

  3. Geez, the last movie I liked that had Douglas cast as a hero was Romancing the Stone...
    The Bleeding Cool article claims he's going to be the villain (which seems fitting for Douglas in my view), but the Variety piece they cite says nothing about that. Man, I really hope Hank's not going to be the bad guy.

  4. I already wasn't really looking forward to this movie all that much. And if they are going to turn Hank Pym into a villain in the Marvel Movie U, then I'm really not looking forward to it. That would be really stupid on their part. Hopefully that bit of info is not accurate.

  5. Is there any doubt Douglas as Pym will be slapping SOMEBODY???

  6. Well. I hope they don't make him the villain. At least not a straight up villain. If he is mentally messed up and needs help, I can live with that.

    I do like the idea of kind of starting "in the middle," where Ant-Man has already existed and the torch is just being passed to Scott Lang.

    I have some hope for this movie. I really like Ant-Man as a character and am not that attached to a particular version of Hank Pym or whatever - nor do I believe that changes in the movies "ruin" the comics.

  7. Can we get Drew Carey as Egghead?

    Too bad they didn't do movie #1 with Ant-Pym and Janet, intro Wasp in #2, and get the slap done and the breakdown with a Empire Strikes Back downbeat ending, and get to Redemption and Ant-Lang in #3. That would've been my trilogy.

  8. I can picture Michael Douglas slapping a woman in a film, but I can't picture him riding around on an ant!
    I'm 45 and I can tell you, shrinking down to tiny size and riding around on the back of an insect is a young man's game.

  9. If there was a way to favorite or like that last comment, I would.


    1. Hey kid.. I turned 50 last year.

      Pym particles..? Beating morning traffic on the back of a dragonfly? I'm so there.

  10. You're welcome, my friend. Somebody had to say it. M.P.

  11. Still waiting for a Ray Palmer Atom TV show or movie! Man, DC/Warner Bros. need to step up their game and poach some talent from Marvel...all these great characters they do nothing with, and icons they just crap all over!

  12. Yeah it's gonna be real interesting how Douglas's character pans out in this film. Is he really gonna play an older Henry Pym? Like Osvaldo, I'm not too hung up on whether Scott Lang or Pym will be Ant-Man. I just hope they portray Pym as the troubled, multi-faceted person that he is in the comics as opposed to an over the top villain.

    - Mike 'Catherine Zeta Jones as Janet Pym?' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  13. How does Michael Douglas sound to you as Hank Pym?stupid-too old.They need to find a Grant Williams type-Hank Pym was inspired by the Incredible Stinking Man.Marvel movie casting is getting as dum as Marvel.Time for all you Marvel Zombies to turn away from obssession with Marvel

  14. Now is the time all Marvel movies will become stupid.
