
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year from the Bronze Age Babies!


Doug:  Here's to a safe and happy 2014 for all of our readers and their families!  We hope last night and today you're having a blast -- family, friends, food, and football!  Does it get any better?  Be well!

Remember, The Vacation, Part Deux, begins tomorrow.  The inmates will be running the asylum each Tuesday, Thursday, and on the weekends -- January 2014!


  1. Re: "inmates running the asylum." Excellent, it'll be like that old episode of Star Trek, except without Yvonne Craig in green body paint...

  2. Happy New Year, Karen and Doug! All best wishes for 2014 - Simon ( Cerebus660 )

  3. Edo, did you HAVE to remind us of missing out on one of my favorite aspects of Trek.. Orion Slave Girls..?

    Sheesh, more coffee and 'back to snow-shoveling..

  4. What issue is that Buscema art from?

  5. Happy New Year to all of our readers, commenting and non-commenting! All the best to you and yours in the coming 12 months.

    I have set the January "classic" reading schedule on our sidebar. We'll be using nine of our re-publish days to revisit the Kree/Skrull War. Those reviews won't be available to you at the present time, as they've all been moved forward in the queue. When they run, any comments that were originally posted will remain and will be at the bottom of the post when it reprints. As Edo and others suggested, we've also sprinkled in a few other classic posts that got little traffic back when they originally ran.

    For those of you wanting to get in on the discussion-based topics, we've set our departments to loop like this (you're in charge on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays):

    The Open Forum (begins tomorrow, 6:00 am CT - USA
    Who's the Best...?
    True or False
    Face Off!
    Spotlight On...

    We hope you have some ideas percolating in those little BAB noggins of yours. Of course Karen and I will be around to toss in our two cents daily. As possible, I'll try to post the day's topic on the main post, so those readers coming along later know what they're getting into. I'll also keep Twitter going in an effort to stimulate more traffic around here.

    Thanks to everyone -- we look forward to the next 30 days and the unique vibe that will come with it. Last year was a lot of fun!

    Be well --


  6. Matt --

    That's an Internet grab by me. It is story page #8 from Avengers #60, the YJ/Wasp wedding issue.


  7. Happy birthday to the blog and all who sail in it.

  8. For some reason, I've just said, "Happy birthday," when I meant Happy New Year. Sadly, I fear senility has finally claimed me.

  9. Happy New Year Emporium! Happy New Year movie house! Happy New Year you old Building And Loan (& Savings)! Happy New Year Everybody!!!! This truly is a Wonderful Blog..... ring ring.

    The Prowler (from the old Spider-Man Crawlspace).

  10. Thanks, Prowler!

    Steve, senility got me long ago, my friend! That's why we run posts around here with the same topic we examined only months prior!


  11. Happy New Year to Doug & Karen and everyone who visits your blog.

  12. Happy New Year 2014 all the way down here in T & T! Hope everyone had a wonderful time. Bring on the nutcases,er,inmates!

    - Mike 'checking when is the next holiday on my calendar' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  13. Happy New Year Doug, Karen, and all my fellow Bronze Age Babies!

    James Chatterton

  14. Happy New Year to all. Karen and Doug, enjoy your break!

  15. Hi, found this blog via Google. Couldn't spot an email address; hope you don't mind my using a comment. Seeking comic-related advice. I have a bunch of mid-'70s - early '80s Marvels, and I don't know how to grade their condition. What I'd like is to send a typical one to someone who does know. Could you suggest anyone who wouldn't mind taking a look, and who'd accept the comic itself as payment? Either way, thanks, and happy new year.

  16. Hi, Michael --

    Unless one of our other readers steps up, I'd suggest you purchase a copy of the Overstreet Comic Book Grading Guide. It's the bible of comic grading and is very easy to use. You can get a used copy for almost nothing on Amazon.

    Hope this helps! Thanks for checking us out -- don't be a stranger.


  17. Doug, thanks very much. I worry that if I use Overstreet I'll gauge wrong. There are so many criteria so precisely measured, e.g. where a page lies on the darkened-tan-brown spectrum, that I'm sure I'd miss something. Hence my plea for the help of a trained eye. I'm sure I'll find one somewhere. Thanks again.
