
Friday, February 28, 2014

Galactus vs. Joe Biden

Karen: OK, the title of this post is a bit mis-leading. But I did have a very unusual experience this morning. My husband and I had the day off, and decided to go have brunch at our favorite breakfast restaurant. We got to the place and saw it surrounded by police and were concerned, then we saw a whole herd of SUVs and secret service. We soon realized there had to be someone pretty important inside. As we approached the entrance, we were searched before we could go in. We soon discovered that Vice-President Joe Biden was inside!

Karen: We sat in a booth about 15 feet away from Biden. He was meeting with a group of women. They appeared to have been there awhile. We ordered, ate, and had just finished when he got up to leave. We hoped to get a couple of good pictures of the VP. But Biden being so outgoing, he went around and shook hands with folks and spoke to them. When he got to our booth he shook my husband Tom's hand, and asked his name, then said, "Do you still play?" which of course gave my hubby a big thrill. Then he shook my hand and I said it was an honor to meet him. He saw the iPhone in my other hand and grabbed it, gave it to his aide, and then put his arm around me, and bang! We got a photo with him! It was such a surreal moment. I hate to admit I was star-struck, but I was. What a totally unexpected event! 

Karen: I shared the photo with Doug and he pointed out that Galactus' big noggin is sticking out on my shirt. So this might be the only time ever you had the VP and the Devourer of Worlds in a photo together!


  1. Wow, great story, Karen! And thanks for sharing the pic.
    Unlike, Doug, I didn't notice the Galactus image on your t-shirt right away, so for a split-second there I thought, "Karen - or her husband - is secretly Galactus? Cooooool!"

    (Er, by the way, this may be a studpid question - remember, I've been living outside of the US for quite some time now - but why did the VP ask your husband if he still plays? Did he used to be a pro athlete?)

  2. Nice.

    Funny, I am the kind of person that would have found a different place to eat just b/c I wouldn't want the hassle of being in the same place as a big wig, regardless of my politics.

    I was once on the same subway train as Mayor Bloomberg and there was a track fire and we all had to exist before our stop.

  3. Joe is the MAN!

    Well, I guess I'm biased because I'm a left-leaning hippy, I'm from Wilmington and still live in Delaware (brrrr....winter sucks here), I'm Catholic, and my first name is also JOE....(hope I didn't just give up my alter-ego)!

    Great photo Karen. I just think Biden is one of the few politicians who REALLY gives a hoot about the little guy. Just my opinion.


  4. Love the GREAT pic of you and your hubby.

    As for the guy in the middle...??


  5. Edo, I assume Biden asked my husband that question because he's a rather beefy guy, and well, for whatever reason (you can make your own assumptions), a lot of people assume that he is or was a football player. He did play in high school, and was offered a scholarship to a small college but decided to go to a larger school instead and did not play in college. Probably more than you wanted to know!

  6. Hah! Great story and photo Karen! Personally, I think Mr. Biden is more like the Silver Surfer, i.e. he's the herald to Galac... er, I mean President Obama.

    As for the new Flash's headpiece, I'm glad he's got no earwings or whatever they call it. The dull red colour does look like it could work, but I'll reserve my full opinion until I see the whole outfit. I think muted colours are trendy now - in the comics Captain America's costume is medium blue, but in the movies a duller blue is used, I guess for added realism.

    - Mike 'what are Republicans and Democrats?' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  7. Very cool photograph,Karen! Regardless of politics, it's always gratifying to see public figures get personal with the public. Remind me to tell you sometime of the day when I was nearly knocked down by Gerald Ford...

  8. Wow, Redartz, do I have Chevy Chase in my mind's eye right now!


  9. Doug, those Saturday Night Live sketches were the best! Chevy had that parody nailed.

  10. Great photo! Thank you for posting it! (-:

  11. Thanks, Karen, not too much information at all.

  12. That's a great story, Karen! And Edo already asked my question. By the way, I love the Galactus cameo in that picture. Good thing you were wearing that shirt. :-)

  13. Guh-REAT photo & post, Karen!

    *I must say, your husband gives a lot of us fellas some hope that it's clearly possible to be kinda beefy AND handsome-! We can all still be chick magnets--!

    *In his Senate days, Joe Biden was a major supporter of the organization my wife works for, and she was a familiar enough with him that he would give her a hug when their paths crossed (he's a big hugger, and she's eminently huggable-). So it has ever since become a running joke in our family & in my workplace that that blasted Joe Biden had better watch his step, by golly. . . hittin' on my wife like that--! Oooooooooh!

    *Starfoxxx-- I'm gonna be up @ the U of Delaware later this afternoon! My boy's playing in a trombone/brass concert (I believe). Maybe fly over the arts building--- we'll look for the flashy red&white union-suit costume, eh?


  14. Yes, Mr. Biden had better not anger the Lion of Asgard!

  15. This is just too cool.

    Like, Ultimate Nullifier cool.

  16. I was up early, for some reason I had to watch Blade Runner, and I was looking at the blog. I noticed in the picture that everyone is looking up. How tall is Biden's aide?

    The Prowler (getting a nose bleed above the fourth floor).

  17. Keen observation, Prowler! Biden's aide was a tall drink of water! I think he must've been 6'6" or so, maybe taller, and very lean. He certainly was the tallest person in the restaurant. He took a good picture, that's for sure.
