
Monday, March 24, 2014

Avengers in Italy: Pictures from the Set of Avengers:Age of Ultron

Karen: Howdy gang -there's been a lot of reports and pictures from the Italian set of Avengers: Age of Ultron showing the actors playing the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. You can read all about it over at Comic Book Resources. Below are a few images from their posting:


  1. Not sure what to make of the costumes at this point. Wanda looks like she's in street clothes. Pietro's not bad I guess.

    I just wonder what version of Wanda's powers are we going to get: will it be the probability-altering Wanda who might fire off a hex and cause a gun to jam, or will it be the reality-warping Wanda? I'm hoping for the former. And if they can't call them mutants (because Fox apparently has the rights to the word) than what will they be calling them?

  2. Quicksilver will look better once a little CGI is added, I'm sure. Wanda looks like a school girl, but at least her hair's the right color and the actress is beautiful (as Wanda should be).

    Even the mocked-up Ultron looks sort of cool. Watch out for those encephalo beams!!


  3. So Wanda's a goth girl, and Pietro's an early 1980s porn star. Hmmm....

  4. So you're saying Jeph Loeb was in on the screenplay?

    Who read Ultimates II and III? Eeewwwwwwwww...


  5. I tried counting to 10 and waiting 15 minutes but I've taken all I can stand I's can't stand no more.

    Doug, you are correct Sir. When the lie is told over and over again and never challenged, it slowly becomes the truth. Accepted, the norm. What has gotten my dander up is the statement "after Giant Man Thor and Iron Man left"! WHAT!!!! Yes, the kooky quartet was Cap, Hawkeye, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Yes, it is cool to see the three of them together. But the WASP is was and shall always be one of the five founding members of the Avengers.

    Edo, I would peg Pietro's getup as porn star circa March - May 1982. Not that I would know, I heard it from a guy who heard it from his cousin's roommates aunt's neighbor.

    I'm just saying.

    The Prowler (vainly trying to keep the record straight).

  6. Prowler -I caught that GLARING omission in that article as well. I swear, I think most of these sites are run by people who have no first hand knowledge of comics published prior to 1999 -that is, youngsters.

    That being said, at least do your research. I wasn't around in 1963 either but I know who the founding members were -let's see, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Cap...

  7. So I guess we're back to yesterday's "Retrofitting the Hulk" post, huh?


    Well, he was a founder, that's right. But you know what I mean...

  8. They really look like they're several years late for Smallville tv series auditions. But then again, so does Hawkeye.

    I can just see it now.
    Chloe Sullivan: Agent of SHIELD.

  9. I withhold all judgement until the movie is released.

  10. I think the pics look promising. Yes, final judgements will need to be made once I've seen the movie. And I will be first in line!

    Wanda was never going to sport her costume from the comics. It just wouldn't work. In fact, I'm surprised Quicksilver's costume resembles his regular duds so much!

    The touch of snark from other commentators is funny as I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to enjoy the Marvel Age of Movies.

  11. Matt, I would love-- LOVE!-- to see Chloe Sullivan: Agent of Shield!! Man, I'm sorry that can never happen!

    (Just getting Season Four of Smallville from the library this week. . . have thoroughly enjoyed the first three seasons in a retro, parental-perspective sort of way.)


  12. Agreed...Chloe was the best character on Smallville!

    Mike W.

  13. I think it will be interesting to see what kind of personalities they give to the "kooky" ones - provided the film is able to inject them with any personality at all. Quicksilver started out as this rather noble character, always defending his sister's honor while Hawkeye was really quite obnoxious. Boy, over time that sure changed.

