
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Have An Egg-ceptional Easter, from the Bronze Age Babies!
Happy Easter from the boys of World of Wadley, Mrs. Wadley, and the Doug-half of Bronze Age Babies!


  1. Ha! What great Easter eggs!

    Have a great holiday everyone - unfortunately, I'm working this afternoon and evening, but I'm looking forward to a nice big Easter lunch in a few minutes, so that's something...

  2. Nice dinner plans here, as well, w/ HBSon & his delightful girlfriend home for a visit. Got up early to lay out/decorate the breakfast table w/ chocolate-laden baskets and trinkets and what-not. I believe the household was hoping to sleep in, but my very vocal Amazon parrot decided this was a great morning to greet the advent of spring at the crack of dawn. . .

    (Goin' to see Cap:WS again this afternoon, too!)


  3. Hulk egg best egg ever. Hulk egg smash all other eggs. Hulk egg just want to be left alone.

    The Prowler (hyped up on muffins and caffeine).

  4. Work..? I had to get up at 3am this morning to update Win servers at work for Fargo; their top folks want all maintenance-rebooting done between 1am and 4am Sundays only.

    Lost sleep, but holiday pay for the Kane County antique toy show next weekend, Doug. Yay.

  5. Best Easter wishes to one and all; on the road to dinner with our nephew and his family. Have to admit to indulging in a couple of Reese's Eggs already. Shame on Hershey for making those so darned tempting!

  6. Best Easter wishes to those who celebrate and a restful Sunday to those who don't.

    And for those who have work, I wish you time and a half pay! :)

  7. I have to say that the Hershey's dark chocolate eggs are a surprisingly good cost-effective alternative to their more up-scale counterparts. I do think that Dove's dark chocolate Promises (and eggs) are pretty much w/out peer, though. Better than Lindt, even.


    (Prowler, we breakfasted on muffins, coffee, and boiled easter eggs, as well!)

  8. Osvaldo, re: time & a half. Yeah, right, that'll happen...

    One good thing is that Easter Monday is also a national holiday in Croatia, so I'll be lazing around at home tomorrow.

  9. Doug, how can it be that your boys not only look just like each other, BUT they also look just like you, AND they look just like their Mother as well-?!?

    You. . . you're actually a covert family of pre-fabricated LMD's aren't you? Carefully dispersed into society to quietly displace us all someday??

    HB (lookin' over his shoulder)

  10. Happy Easter everybody!

    Hmmm Edo ol' buddy looks like Croatia and T & T have a lot in common - Monday's a holiday here in T & T also! If you factor in the Good Friday holiday that means some folks had an entire 4 day weekend. Of course Trinis love this kinda stuff. Many people spent their Sunday flying kites, a popular traditional pastime at this time of the year.

    No chocolate for me, just ate some hot cross buns (basically a round sugar bun pastry with a cross of icing on it).

    Doug, you sure got a fine looking family there. Nice family photo!

    - Mike 'time to resurrect .... some old sweaters' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  11. Thanks for the well wishes, everyone!

    We hope to have some quality topics for you within tomorrow's look at the debut of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Reprint coloring, Nazis, retcons, the evolution of personality, jerks, you name it - tomorrow's post has it!

  12. Mike, I hear you about the 4-day weekend thing: although it's not an official holiday here, lots of people take off from work early, I mean really early (sometimes at noon or 1 o'clock), on Good Friday.
