
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Open Recommendations -- What Would You Like to Read?

Doug: Today the Open Forum is wide open for you to request information from your Bronze Age brethren (and sistren... huh?). With the Christmas gift-giving season approaching, or maybe just some loose change in your pocket, maybe you've been thinking of venturing between the covers of a new trade paperback or hardcover but want to solicit some approvals before doing so.

Doug: A book that's been on my radar for quite some time, and maybe I've mentioned it before, is Mouse Guard. I know next to nothing about it, but have admired the covers from afar and have wondered just what it is all about. Today I'm hoping someone will encourage me to pick up a copy. Secondly, I would ask that anyone capable make a recommendation for the Golden Age All-Winners Squad Masterworks. Having been fully involved with the Invaders back in the 70s, and loving the Whizzer revival in the pages of the Avengers, I've long wondered about these "ancient stories". Lastly, and this is a much more modern request, can anyone say anything about the Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes series of a few years past? I believe it was about Superman teaming with an adult version of the Legion.

Doug: So what would you like to get into? Toss out a few ideas, and we'll see what the assemblage has to say as critics -- or marketers!


  1. Superman and the Legion was good, though it didn't necessarily blow me away. Still, I'd recommend it to any Legion fan. However, I read it when it first came out, and not since, and my memory is not that great, so I can't really give any specifics without digging through the long boxes.

  2. For what it's worth, although I've never read any of it, I've only read positive things about Mouse Guard.
    Can't help you with the other two, though.

    Personally, I'm wondering about a few non-Bronze books, mainly Captain America: Forever Allies. It's not my Cap (i.e., it's Bucky), but I've heard quite a few good things about it. Also, it's written by one of my favorite comics writers, Roger Stern. Anybody have any opinions?

  3. I bought Mouse Guard for my daughter a few years ago. It's pretty good.

  4. Nothing of late for me.

    I **FINALLY** joined Facebook a few weeks back, and have seen some great stuff being discussed.

    There's new 'behind-the-scenes' TOS Trek books (3 book set.., one for each season...), that looks interesting.

    As for comics, still love winning VF copies of Silver/early Bronze Age Marvel.

    LOVE those early Big John and Kirby Thor covers these days..

  5. What can anyone tell me about Fables? I have not watched any of the fairy tale TV shows that are currently on so I don't know that I am the target audience for this book, but it sure gets a lot of praise.

  6. I enjoy Fables. It is a publication of DC's Vertigo imprint, which means the intended audience is mature readers. It is not associated with any of the fairy tale shows on TV. It centers on a group of fables who have been driven from their fable lands into the mundane world as a result of lots of wooden solider armies who are commanded by a mysterious Emperor. They set up a community in downtown NYC You can pick up the first trade Legends in Exile for pretty cheap and see if you like it.

  7. Yeah, I liked Fables too; I eventually got tired of it (around issue #110 or so), but the characters kept me hooked for a long time. Lots of sex and violence though, so if you're easily offended it may not be for you.

    @david_b: I read the first TOS Behind the's really good; lots of background stuff that I had no idea about. I haven't got the other two yet.

    As for stuff I've wanted to get into...I've been meaning to read Transmetropolitan for years and haven't gotten to it yet. Also (and I know I'll lose all my geek cred for this) I STILL haven't gotten around to reading Robinson's Starman; maybe I'll do that as a Xmas present to myself this year!

    Mike W.

  8. I cannot comment on any of the above - although I too have been curious about Mouse Guard and Fables.
    But I would recommend Squadron Supreme Omnibus - story by Mark Gruenwald. I really enjoyed that a lot. As I got deeper into the issues, I got pulled more and more in. I know that came out before Watchmen but I really thought it hit some of the same themes but with a nice Bronze Age feel to it. I really thought with so many characters the development was really quite detailed and nuanced. I also think it has been referenced by many current stories (in my opinion a much better Civil War). Highly recommended if you haven't read it.
    I have never followed DC as much as Marvel- but I am curious about Suicide Squad and also Infinity Inc. Any recommendations there? Are they any good?

  9. I tried Fables, but couldn't get into it. The art wasn't my cup of tea, although some of the covers are fantastic. I can see if someone likes the concept though that this could be a great series. Bill Willingham did some good writing/art on Elementals.

    I haven't read All Winners, so instead I'll recommend my favorite Golden Age book: The Newsboy Legion by Simon and Kirby. Fun stories, excellent clear art, cool covers and splash pages, Kirby action with the Guardian, and lively writing with the defined personalities of the boys in the gang.

    A book I'm looking forward to reading is It's a Good Life If You Don't Weaken by Canadian cartoonist Seth. It made #52 on best comics of the 20th century.

    I'll recommend some others I've recently read.

    STAR LORD. 2014 paperback that reprints all his adventures. Awesome story by Moench/Sienkiewicz/McLeod is a highlight. Similar art to Moon Knight by that team in the Hulk magazine. The origin by Englehart and Steve Gan is good. Also: Claremont/Byrne/Austin, Gene Colan and more.

    MURDER ME DEAD by David Lapham. Great noir tale. Great writing and storytelling.

    TO THE HEART OF THE STORM by Will Eisner. As Eisner heads out on a troop train during WW2, he remembers his times growing up. I think Eisner's at his best when he roots his stories in autobiography. The art has more presence and the characters are more rounded than in his other work.

    FAFHRD AND THE GRAY MOUSER by Chaykin/Mignola.
    THE 'NAM by Murray/Golden.
    THE RETURN OF MISTER X by Motter/Hernandez.

  10. Due to the recent death of the scanner part of my all in one printer thingie, I've been unable to pursue my quest to digitalize my comic book collection. So I've resorted to the time honored tradition of reading them. Currently, I reading through my run of Dark Horse's Ghost (turr-a-bull, just turrabull). I have become intrigued with Dark Horse's ads for their line of Star Wars, or as a man of my years should say, THE Star Wars. Tales of the Jedi, Heir to the Empire, Rogue Squadron (?), I think that's what it was called. IIRC, they were adaptions of the Star Wars novels.

    And Astro City has always been on my someday list.

    The Prowler (Now wait a minute, y'all this dance ain't for everybody only the sexy people So all you fly mothers, get on out there and dance dance, I said Ah, push it...ah push it).

  11. Astro City is one of the most dependably good comics out there.

  12. Martinex1:For Suicide Squad the definitive run is the post-Crisis John Ostrander run. The first trade of that, Trial By Fire, is readily available. Hopefully DC will republish the subsequent trades particularly if they are serious about making a Suicide Squad movie. For Infinity Inc. check out the mid-80s All-Star Squadron beginning with #25. The original idea of this team was kids and grandkids of JSA members. In the 1990s Lex Luthor started a new Infinity Inc. as part of his Everyman Project which was his attempt to show than humankind does not need Superman.

  13. Thanks much for the info. I may have to check out the Trial by Fire trade. I like Ostranders work but I have never read this.

  14. I agree on Infinity Inc....some really good stories, and lots of respect for history, which makes sense since Roy Thomas wrote it. I haven't read Suicide Squad...yet; it's on my list!

    Mike W.

  15. I love most things to do with the Golden Age All-Winners and for that matter the Invaders as well. The art work was so much simpler back then, and as a result easier to see what was going on (imho), plus the stories were simple affairs too and perhaps more innocent? I'm just reading/reviewing Marvel's re-launch of All-New Invaders and that seems to be trying to capture something of the original series feel, albeit the stories run for several issues. Superb site btw, can't believe I've not seen it before and have become an immediate follower.

  16. I really enjoyed Superman and the Legion. It was a nod to the pre-crisis LSH fans. All of their pre-crisis/reboot history was there.
    It was a story that celebrated heroes. IT was nice to read a story that had actual good guys and bad guys. Not a gritty trail mix super powered characters.

    I 2nd the Squadron Supreme 12 issue series. I recently finished my TPB again. It predates the Grimdark stories and yet takes on some serious issues.

    Also Star Trek/ Legion of Superheroes team up. It is weird but really fun.

  17. I have the three Mouse Guard collections written and drawn by David Petersen rather than the Tales of the Mouse Guard Collections. That's because the highlight is the art. Not to say that the story is bad but it's the art which makes that book unique. It's definitely work a look. It's a fantasy type story with long lost heroes, betrayal and politics, and a group of mice sworn to protect the mouse kingdom.

    I'd like to read Astro City too. I've heard good things about it. Just waiting for a deluxe collection (or whatever) to be published (or to come onto my radar).

  18. The early Astro City trades/issues are fantastic (I can't recommend them enough) - but I kinda wish Busiek had let it go instead of always returning to it. By the time he got to Dark Age the shine had worn off and it suffered from a lot of same stuff the comics it meant to comment on did.

    I really like what I've read of Fables (but was only the first two or three trades). BTW, story is Willingham had a meeting with Disney/ABC to pitch a Fables TV show. They passed, but soon after announced "Once Upon a Time." :/

  19. I see this thread has evolved into recommendations as well; so Doug, since you're asking about Mouse Guard, I can recommend something I think might be similar (if you haven't already read it): Jeff Smith's Bone. I've read the first two story arcs and I can say that it's quite good, a very enjoyable and well-written all-ages fantasy. (However, I have to make a confession: I have the gigantic, one-volume omnibus of the entire series but haven't got through it yet - not because it's not good or anything, I just haven't had the time.)

    I third the recommendation for Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme. It's very well done.

    And Garett, I'm sure the Orion tpb you mentioned is quite good, but now that I know an omnibus of the entire series is in the pipeline, I'll just wait for that to come out (early next year, apparently - I can't wait).

  20. Hey Edo, yes I'm looking forward to that Orion omnibus as well. I've only read the first tpb, so it'll be a treat to read the whole story. One thing I enjoy about the omnibus format is the big size of the pages!

    I read the whole Bone story a few years ago, and thought it was very good. A nice change from superhero stuff.
