
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Writers Assemble!
Doug: Hello, and Happy Sunday, everyone. At the risk of killing a good conversation, I'm going to interrupt this weekend's discourse on Aquaman (and sandwiches) and briefly discuss some questions that have come up via email. Karen and I have received three separate inquiries about follow-throughs on our request for guest posts. That is very exciting for us, and in conversation with our three prospective guest-reviewers I have to say that I can't wait. There will be some new ground broken on this blog and that has to be a positive. So here are a few random thoughts for everyone who may yet take us up on our offer:

  • The 5000-word limit we alluded to in our original post offering this opportunity was just a joke. There's no minimum or maximum. You'll know when you're done.
  • Concerning art samples, that's really up to the author. We did have a criticism a long time ago about referencing certain panels or plotlines in a book and not providing a visual reference for our readers; we try to make sure that doesn't happen. We would suggest that sending images full-size is best, and if you have to do that in several emails or use Dropbox, we'll make it work.
  • Full reviews of arcs or mini-series are fine; but if you want to dive in and do an issue-by-issue thing like we do we would not be opposed to that at all. Whatever fits your style and time.
  • Some of the topics that our guest writers are hitting on are not necessarily Bronze Age material, but stuff that falls into that spirit. That's great! Frequent commenter William has long advocated Mark Waid's recent Daredevil series. Works for us if you feel that it's sort of a throwback. We do want to stay close to our mission.
  • As mentioned above, you can send the text and any art you'd like included to the BAB Yahoo address (see the sidebar on our main page). We'll dress up a post and let you know when it will run. Doug will promote it on Twitter in the days around the post's running. If you also happen to have your own blog, feel free to publish in both spaces and we'll promote your other blog as well.


  1. I am really excited to see what other people contribute, and have been making headway on my own contribution!

  2. I too anticipate the guest posts; and also have one in progress...must keep typing, must keep typing...

  3. Yeah, I'm working on a few potential contributions, and I'm also looking forward to see what everyone else comes up with.

  4. BTW, 5000 words is A LOT! I try to never go past 4000 words on my own blog and aim for 2000 to 3000.

  5. My first guest post is basically done, just waiting to hear back from Doug/Karen on some questions and I will be ready to send it off tomorrow evening.

    It came to 3433 words, btw. :)

  6. Wow, Osvaldo, that's a big review. I'm looking forward to seeing that. So far, I've submitted three reviews/posts for Karen and Doug's approval, and they average about 15 hundred words each.

  7. Well, it is for a 6-issue series and includes comparisons to the original issues it is based on.

    Glad to hear someone else has already submitted something!
