
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving from the Bronze Age Babies

Doug: I'm thankful for all of our readers, and for talented people who take the things we love and make them funny. Enjoy your family and friends today, and all the best to all of you.

Visit Go Figures! for many more smiles like this one.


  1. Doug, Doug, Doug-- the Wonder Woman image, there? If your wife notices that, she's gonna smack you upside the head-! (Unless perhaps one of your main thankfulnesses is having a patient, tolerant, and even-keeled wife, I suppose. . . )

    (And interestingly enough, almost that identical visual gag was used in Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the WereRabbit, of all places--!)

    Looking forward to a delightful small nuclear family gathering in the HB household today, we are. Watch the parade whilst clearing the dining room and getting the kitchen in order with the good china; pull the (20-ish) boxes of Christmas decorations and lights down from the attic; watch some football; have a relatively simple but sumptuous dinner; and probably watch the first Christmas movie of the season this evening.

    Honestly, even though I'm not at all a religious person, I find myself deeply thankful and profoundly appreciative on a daily basis of the wonderful life and loving family that surrounds me, inspires me, and fulfills me.

    Happy Holiday to all of ya out there today, eh?


  2. I know that Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday in November but every year I completely forget - logged on to BAB expecting a normal day... of course, it's Thanksgiving !! No holiday here in the UK but we have recently imported Black Friday. Anyway, happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends :)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Me and mine are having a rather different holiday. My poor wife (She-Must-Be-Obeyed) has sadly suffered several injuries this past year (broken leg and broken collar bone) and right now is in a physical therapy facility. So the kids and I are going to join here there where we will enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. The advantage is we don't have to cook or clean up.

    Hope everyone has a hearty Thanksgiving!


  4. Why HB -- I hadn't noticed until you said something about Ms. Prince! ;)

    Colin, in regard to Black Friday, that overbloated consumerism has seemingly overshadowed the holidays themselves. I find that quite unfortunate. I have only gone out to "participate" in one of those riots, and will never do so again. It's certainly not all it's made out to be, and I'll do just fine staying home and awaiting the equally good sales that come along in about another two weeks. I'm glad our friends in the UK have been able to stave off that madness for a time. You've been better off for it!

    My LCS does have great sales going tomorrow during the day, however. Unfortunately I'll have to take a pass. I signed up to keep the scorebook for some freshmen basketball games. The games are part of an area tournament that takes place through all levels of high school. The younger kids always play on Friday morning. The games are at 9:00 and 10:30. The best part of the sale runs from 9-11 and offers 40% off all merchandise in the store! And this is one of those shops that basically offers a comic book library for sale in terms of the graphic novels and collections they sell. Oh well...

    I hope everyone has a great day of family and reflection.


  5. A very happy Thanksgiving to all; both here and our friends across the water- best wishes to all! A small Thansgiving this year, just my wife and I; planning to indulge in a restaurant buffet and perhaps a movie afterwards.

    Doug- echo your "Black Friday" sentiments. Having been a part of it on both sides (as a harried shopper, and as a more harried retail worker) , I agree fully with your preference to wait a bit...

  6. Yeah, yeah, happy Thanksgiving (he says bitterly at his desk at work, having had only a cold sandwich for lunch...) Seriously, hope all of my fellow USAians back home have a pleasant and restful holiday and indulge in fine food to their heart's content.

    Since the topic of Black Friday came up, I'm kind of glad I moved out of the States before that became a big thing. I still remember when the Friday after Thanksgiving was simply considered the "start of the Christmas shopping season" (which was silly enough) and some people went shopping - no hype, no riots - while the rest of us just chilled and recovered from the previous day's feasting and then maybe caught a movie in the evening...

  7. Happy Thanksgiving all! Hope all is well and you have a relaxing day! Off to the extended family for stories, parades, turkey, stuffing, and the Bears!

    A true note of thanks to those on this site, for the daily respite of fun topics and good dialogue. Thanks to Karen and Doug for opening the blog for guest posts; it has been fun. Thanks all for the civilized discussion.

    Cheers friends!

  8. Correction-- it was 30 boxes (various sizes) of Christmas decorations and lights. About five, tho, belong to HBSon for his campus apartment. . .

    Hmmmmm-- is our topic range expansive enough to touch on some sort of discussion of holiday decorating? Perhaps from the perspective of childhood memories vs. current things folks do? I kind of like the fact that we have a sizable international contingent to weigh in on something like that. . .

    HB (back down from the rooftop after getting the @#$*&!*# icicle lights hung and working)

  9. Yeah, we have Black Friday in Canada too nowadays, but no holiday to go with it (our Thanksgiving being in October); anyway, Happy Turkey Day to all the Americans, and to the rest of us...Happy Thursday, I guess!

    Mike Wilson

  10. I share your pain, HB- just got down from the roof myself, after a combination of hanging lights and cleaning out the gutters at the same time. Glad your lights got up ok; ours are up and working, at the cost of some strained nerves and scraped hands...

  11. Thanks to all for the well wishes. We will have a post tomorrow for you to comment on in between your shopping and sports viewing. Be sure to stop by, as we'll have a topic from one of our very own (hint - it's just above this comment a short distance).


  12. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Let's just say that my computer has issues ...

    Well, anyway I hope all you guys are enjoying your holiday with all of your loved ones. To me that is the best part of Thanksgiving, sharing your time with family and friends. Here in T & T the big holiday is Christmas, although I saw some local stores promoting all kinds of Black Friday sales in the newspaper today. I guess it's true the old saying when somebody sneezes up there in the US and Canada, we in T & T eventually catch the cold too!

    One thing that I hope that we never import is the mad frenzy I saw on TV when stores opened in the US - it was insane to see shoppers literally trampling over each other just to grab an item. I love a bargain just as much as the next guy, but I don't wanna step on his face to get it!

    - Mike 'I only stampede for burgers' from Trinidad & Tobago.

  13. Ah-hahaha-- Redartz, I had to do the same thing! (With HBson's help--). Those blasted gutters. And we have about 10 oak trees near the house, so it's a combination of VERY late leaves and a comically heavy acorn harvest this year.

    But it was indeed an HBWifely mandate. . .

    HB (woozy and logy from tryptophan overload. . . )
