
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Who's the Best...Non-Original Soundtrack?

Karen: There was some discussion on the Guardians of the Galaxy movie post about that film's soundtrack, filled with catchy 70s tunes. What's your vote for best soundtrack, composed not of original music  but using existing songs? Guardians is pretty darn good. Some that I would throw out there:

Pulp Fiction

Pump Up the Volume

Dazed and Confused


  1. Heh, love the 'Dazed & Confused' soundtrack.
    But the first two that come to mind might not apply here, because the music, although not original, was specifically performed and/or recorded for the movies: the Blues Brothers (my favorite soundtrack ever) and the Sting.
    If those don't count, I'll go with the soundtracks for Easy Rider and Heavy Metal.

  2. Amadeus and Clockwork Orange (leaning towards the latter, in fact-)


  3. Since this is music and that's my forte (Hey, is this the theme for this week?), I'm gonna give you cool kats my top ten. This changes more often than Janet Van Dyne changes costumes but this is correct as of the time I'm typing this:

    10 - Lost Boys, one strong side but man, what a side A
    9 - Risky Business, a bit of a fudge since half of it is music from the movie but sometimes you just have to say WTF and take a chance
    8 - Honeymoon In Vegas, almost a tribute album to The King. Elvis, not the other King.
    7 - Elizabethtown on the strength of My Father's Gun alone.
    6 - Freaky Friday, the Lindsay Lohan remake.
    5 - Good Morning Vietnam. Classic songs by the original artists. Take that KTel.
    4 - Heavy Metal. It is your one way ticket to midnight
    3 - Awesome Mix Vol 1, it's new, it's hot and you can dance to it.
    2 - Some Kind of Wonderful. I can't help falling in love with Miss Amanda Jones
    1 - Riding High. Giant Steps are what you take when you're one step beyond. That's okay, I'm special, so special....

    The Prowler (sending out this long distance dedication to you know who..... Hey baby, won't you take a chance? Say that you'll let me have this dance Well, let's dance, well, let's dance)

  4. I think The Matrix has a pretty awesome soundtrack. I also like Songs from the Cool World quite a bit.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Karen mentioned 'Pulp Fiction', which had a good soundtrack. But I'll go with another Tarantino movie, 'Reservoir Dogs'. Like 'Guardians', it also contains Blue Swede cover of 'Hooked On A Feeling'. Plus,'Stuck In The Middle', 'Little Green Bag' and several other "classic" 70s hits.

  7. I'll nominate The Big Chill for some great 60s tunes and Remember the Titans for some early 70s.


  8. How about American Graffitti which may have started the trend of using existing popular songs to create a soundtrack. And the soundtrack was integral to the film, so much more than just background,the music was part of the story.

  9. Repo Man!

    An honorable mention to Excalibur.
    I got me into Wagner.

  10. Kudos on 'American Graffitti' mention..

    One really has to ponder the influence/timing of Lucas's great film, virtually starting the retro industry single-handedly, soon followed by 'Happy Days', ShaNaNa becoming more popular and mainstream, and on and on.

    I know today's talk is about soundracks, but that record really touched a pulse, with 'Big Chill' a close second in terms of wide-spread influence.

  11. Sorry, 'soundtracks' not 'soundracks'..

    Busy day goin' on here.

  12. How about Forrest Gump?


  13. The "Breakfast Club" soundtrack had some good songs on it. I agree with "Some Kind of Wonderful" and "the Big Chill" as well.

    Mike W.

  14. Easy Rider

    Basically Peter Fonda's album collection.

    Scott Lovrine

  15. I always like the soundtrack for the movie "Valley Girl" starring Nic Cage and Debby Foreman (c1983).

  16. That was supposed to say "liked".

  17. Boogie Nights, Jackie Brown, and (believe it or not) Semi-Pro.
