Karen: And I don't want to hear any of that stuff like the power to copy any super-power, or any kind of cheat around the question. It's just ONE power! Whether you want super-strength, the power of flight, x-ray vision (perv!), heck, even the power to turn things into gold, whatever it is, let's hear about it. Why would you pick that power over any other?
Karen: I'll get the ball rolling. I'm really torn between flight and a super-healing factor. The latter would be the far more useful power -I'd love never to get ill again, to be in perfect health. But flight would be incredibly liberating. I'd probably opt for that.
Karen: Next?
Flight this the one baby. Though on second thought, let me live forever and in that time I'll invent a way to fly.
So I'll say immortality.
Rip Off
Flight, hands-down.. For a while I was dreaming that I had glide powers, similiar to Sam Wilson when his wings were new, awkward, yet still able to careen around when I like.. Second choice would be Reed Richards stretching.
I'll take the healing factor, which has implicit immortality.
Second choice: "the power cosmic," which is apparently whatever I need it to be.
Of the ones listed in your poll, I guess I would say regeneration/healing, if it also implies, if not immortality, then full mental acuity even in deep old age. If someone had asked me this 20 or even 10 years ago, I probably would have said something more flashy, like flight, telepathy or even super senses. . .
The "Do Over" the ability to jump back in time and repeat whatever you just messed up.
Fail an exam or forget the OH's birthday? Jump back and fix it! Completely failing to chat up the cute girl in the bar? Jump back and start a fresh.
Shot yourself in the foot? Jump back and unload the gun.
Get caught in the girls locker room? Jump back and they forget all about it (even if you don't).
Want to be rich? Wait for the lottery numbers and... you've guessed it.
Its the power that keeps on giving!
Oh, add super-speed as another runner up.. Had too many dreams as Kid Flash growing up as well.
('Probably resulting from eatin' too much school-food as a kid or something..)
I'd like the power to know everything -- that is, whatever's known by two or more people to be true, I'd know it as well.
I've always liked the power of transmutating inorganic materials out of thin air, like Madison Jefferies (Box); of course, you'd have to have a high I.Q. and excellent engineering skills in order for the object you're creating to work...
Karen's line about X-ray vision made me think of that scene from Superman: The Movie - "pink".
I voted for growing/shrinking, because as a kid I always thought that could give someone incredible advantages, even if only to live at a height a few inches taller. But the ability to shrink to the size of an ant... talk about "perv"!
Good topic, partner!
I agree with a lot of you that flying would be awesome. However, I will personally go with super strength. You have the ability to "fly" in limited amounts (think Hulk) and there are so many uses.
Now, if we're talking more realistic super powers, I've always felt that the ability to operate on no (or little) sleep would be cool. I could accomplish so much with those extra hours!
I went back and forth between flight and invisibility.
I guess I will go with invisibility, mostly for the chance to just get away from everything for a while...and the dirty reasons, too.
Possession. Think Deadman (back when he was still dead, I mean). The ability to jump into anybody's body, experience what they do, and then get out. You could be anyone; you could do anything. That would be it for me.
Gladstone Gander's luck.
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