Karen: There's Avengers Mansion, with its outward facade of elegant New York home, but inside, it's got everything from a hangar for the quinjets to a submarine dock! How about the Baxter Building, with a rocket silo, and a gateway to the Negative Zone? The JLA have had several truly impressive headquarters. I like the satellite the best. The X-Men wouldn't be the same without Xavier's School and the grounds. The Titans had Titans Tower -which seemed kind of funky -a building shaped like a T? -but it worked. Who could forget the Legion's original rocket shaped HQ? The JSA also favor a mansion, just like the Avengers, and they have a big groovy table in it.
Karen: So, what's it going to be? Any of these? One I've forgotten? Let's hear it!

What about the Bat Cave (batcave?)? All that memorabilia: dinosaur model, giant penny, robot penguins and freeze guns. An underwater boat dock, the batmobile garage and repair center. A crime computer that was Google for crime 25+ years before there was Google. And room service.
It's the protoypical man cave!
I was gonna go with the Bat Cave, too, unless we're talking teams only, in which case: the Defenders old hq, when they all hung around Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, in Greenwich Village.
The Batcave's definitely pretty wicked, especially with a huge exposed Atomic Pile power source humming away a mere few feet away from the Batmobile, Alfred and our Dynamic Duo (..not even a wall of protective glass..??). And yet, it was Aunt Harriet's blow dryer that took down the Batcomputer in one episode of the TV series.. (?!?)
That being said, for as much as I've hung around the Baxter Building by reading the Kirby 'classics', I'd stick with it as the best.. All those panels of huge monstrous machines, just to make a cup of coffee..?
Guys, guys!! My plan is to run another post with the Batcave, Fortress of Solitude -HQ's for solo heroes! This was just for groups.
Well I have egg on my face... I made the accompanying poll and stole some of Karen's thunder. My apologies for completely missing the line at the end of the first paragraph, "every team has one."
This was a tough call for me: the X-mansion is way cool, being that it's outside the city with spacious grounds and even a lake I think, but I went with the Baxter Building. There's just something I find so cool about having the top bunch of floors of a skyscraper to hang out in...
No worries Doug!
I'm biased towards Avengers mansion, but I do really like the old JLA satellite too! There's just something about having your headquarters in outer space that feels completely ridiculous, but only super-heroes would do it. It sure seems like every time I read a JLA book that had a story on the satellite, the thing would get attacked and cracked -they had HUGE windows in this giant satellite, for Pete's sake! - and they'd have to worry about losing air while fighting the bad guy too. Totally impractical, and dangerous, but so audacious it's cool.
The Avengers Quinjets are a cool comodity to have at their HQ.., but the Baxter Building has it's own 'ROCKET'..!?!
Who, honestly can have a cooler headquarters..? :)
Oh, sorry.., PLUS it's got it's own exclusive Negative Zone portal.
It's a 'geek's dreamhome'.
SHIELD HQ: the helicarrier!
Although I do like the X-Men mansion as well. Its extensive grounds make it seem like a place you'd go for summer camp.
-- Thelonious Nick
I think I would go with the Baxter Building.
But one HQ has always stuck in my mind despite the short-term nature of the team: The Sinister Citadel!
If we're gonna talk about team HQs, I'm gonna have to go with the X-Mansion.
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