X-Men #114 (Oct0ber 1978)
Chris Claremont -writer, co-plotter
John Byrne - artist, co-plotter
Terry Austin -inker
Karen: This may be my favorite cover from the early days of this run. It is so solemn, and speaks volumes.
Doug: You know what I really love about this cover? The scale of the X-Men. As we all know, Wolverine is supposed to be 5'3". This cover is about the only place where you'll find that to be even remotely true. So that's a cool element to it.

Karen: Last time around, the X-Men were fighting Magneto in his volcano-lair, when the dome ruptured and lava began flooding the chamber. Magneto escaped, and then the Beast and Phoenix appeared, but the other X-Men were nowhere to be seen. Phoenix passed out and the Beast began carrying her through a blizzard, when he too collapsed. With this issue, Hank is back on his feet, but a storm still rages around him and Jean. I like the way the art team portrayed this, with snow and ice clinging to his fur.
Doug: You are absolutely right! How about the splash page to this one? If that doesn't look like one frosty Beastie... For this young reader, I loved that Claremont referred to Hank as an Avenger; that's all, at this point, I'd known him as.

Karen: Jean and Hank luck out, as a Navy helicopter comes by and Jean wakes up in time to go bananas with her cosmic powers, making quite a display.
Doug: I thought it was weird how Jean reacted when she woke up. Of course, I don't like that everything I read is now colored by my knowledge of how the whole Phoenix Force fiasco played out. I'd love to think it's Jeannie reacting, but we all know that any weirdness isn't her at all.
Karen: As far as I'm concerned, it is Jean. That's what they had in mind when they wrote it, so that's what I'm going with! Of course, Jean is all in a panic to free Scott and the others until Beast tells her it's too late. The two long-time X-Men are taken to safety. But what happened to the rest of the team? Were they indeed killed by the lava, as Hank said? Of course not! While Jean and Hank blasted their way up and out, Cyclops and his team blasted their way through rock and earth, only to emerge in the hidden valley of the Savage Land! While relieved to find that they haven't walked into a blizzard, the X-Men (except for Cyclops) are puzzled. But Cyke, having spent some time here before, explains the situation to them. Storm, whose claustrophobia made their underground trek particularly difficult for her, takes Banshee's advice and the two take to the air, enjoying the wide open skies. Open that is, except for the pterodactyls who soon notice them and nab Banshee!
Doug: Didn't someone say they'd blasted through over a mile of earth? Wow. But we've seen this team's firepower before. I guess they'd had some time to debrief on their journey, but it seemed like no one was too upset about what had gone on just prior.

Karen: Yeah, wasn't that cool? I sure miss those narrative boxes; it's a great tool for the writer. While everyone looks on, trying to figure out how to help Banshee, Wolverine tells Colossus to give him a Fastball Special, and the pugnacious Canadian is launched skyward, where he begins carving the pterodactyl up. This was another good example early on of Wolverine's love of battle, and how much he differed from his team-mates. Of course, when the flying dinosaur comes crashing down, Cyclops gives Wolvie an earful about taking off like that- these two were always fighting! It was reminiscent of how Cap and Hawkeye used to go at it in Avengers - only I don't think Wolvie ever had any respect, not even grudging, for Cyke!
Doug: Yup -- Byrne is ever-so-gradually making Logan the star of this book. Think about this issue -- Cockrum's pet, Nightcrawler, basically does nothing. Wolverine gets this star-time, as well as a scene later (which we'll talk about momentarily).

Karen: I can only imagine that Cyclops had constant neck and shoulder pain from all that stress of leadership he was carrying around. He's sort of like the eldest kid in a big family who's been expected to take care of all the rest. You're right though, Byrne's influence is bringing Wolverine to the forefront. Back in the States, Hank and Jean return to the mansion. Jean goes upstairs to Xavier's study to tell the Professor what has happened. There are very few words in this scene, and it's just as effective as the cover.
Doug: I was shocked when Jean called the Professor "Charles". That as much as anything over the previous 20+ issues said to me that this X-team was way more mature than their predecessors.

Karen: The students had grown up. That was something I enjoyed about this set of X-Men -and all the more reason for Marvel to bring in some younger mutants who did need guidance and training. Back to our story: about a week has passed for the X-Men, and they've been hanging out in a native village, resting and recovering from their ordeal. Cyclops realizes that with his mustache and headband he looks a bit like Corsair. Suddenly, he recalls that Corsair spoke with a Nebraska accent (is there such a thing?) and starts putting two and two together, when Storm interrupts his thoughts. She says she wants to help him in his grief for Jean, but he says that he isn't feeling anything .

Doug: Do I recall in the Classic X-Men series, with the "untold tales" by Claremont and artist John Bolton, that this may have been played up more? And hey -- did you think they really sexed Storm up in this issue? Her clothing, if you could call it that, set Banshee on his ear, and then one could certainly construe some hints at sexuality in her offer to help Scott through his grief. That was not, by the way, my first impression when I read it as a kid, nor was it when I read it for this review. But it is there with only the slightest imagination necessary. And I'll stand by my comments above about Scott; ol' boy lives in the No Fun Zone.
Karen: Oh yes, Storm was a walking Cheesecake Factory in this issue! There are many shots of her in her little barbarian bikini. Banshee's reaction was classic. As for Classic X-Men, I did read it, but honestly, I don't remember anything from those books, so I can't comment on what they might have done with Logan/Jean (anyone else care to?). Ororo is enjoying a lovely swim, but she's secretly being watched. The observer senses her great power an "hungers." We see a pair of arms outstretched to grab her, and then a blinding release of energy, as the stalker absorbs power from Storm.In her struggles, she launches a lightning bolt upwards, and this alerts the X-Men that there's something wrong. They race to help her, only to confront a bizarre half-man, half-pterodactyl being crouching over her. Scott recognizes him from his previous Savage Land jaunt -it's Sauron!
Doug: Admittedly, I was a tabula rasa in regard to X-history. I knew nothing of their first visit to the Savage Land, and I'd not ever heard of Sauron (not even in literature, at the time of my first reading). But this dude sure was threatening, and what a great villain last-page reveal... I love those!

"..I like cheesecake for breakfast.."
I really love the splash pages shown, the first page with Beast and Jean is definitely a classic. I love how nice the tone is immediately set with the brutal blizzard conditions, the 'dead look' in Hank's eyes, perfect.
Excellent Byrne art, but you can see here that it's just the stepping stone for greater things to come as John flexes his pencils and layouts more.
As for Cyke and Wolvie, it's remarkable to watch the subtle sway of the team away from Cyke, occasionally blatant with Wolvie, more subtle with other characters. There's just some folks that simply rub us wrong from the start in life, and I can see that here between Scott and Logan.
Wolverine being 5’3” is one of the reasons I like him. It makes him different. I remember the X-Men making a lot of short jokes at his expense in the early days. Of course, the actor that plays him in the movies is 6’2”. Gotta love Hollywood.
I agree – it is Jean! That was the writer’s intent at the time. As I’m reading through all of my old X-Men, I sometime think I should have stopped somewhere around #150.
By the way, I do think that Wolvie eventually developed some grudging respect for Cyke. There were hints of it in some issues in the 80s. Certainly, he’s a much tougher guy to lead than Hawkeye, though! Yes, I used to love Cyke but in rereading these old issues, I agree that he’s too much of a tigh@ss. I also didn’t like Scott’s reaction to Jean’s “death” though Claremont did try to explain it away in later issues. Also, it’s funny how the memory does play trick. In rereading those, I was surprised that, as you say, Jean was never the least bit interested in Logan – the love triangle was only in his mind. I find it hilarious the way Logan refers to Jean and Ororo, who could both kick his butt, as “frails”.
Regarding the Classic X-Men, I do indeed vaguely recall they played up the Jean-Logan relationship. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the details. If I think of it, maybe I’ll thumb through them when I get home tonight.
Karen wrote:
"There are many shots of her in her little barbarian bikini."
For some reason, the 'Classic X-men' reprint of this story(and the next),her "barbarian bikini" was colored pink rather than yellow. I always thought that was odd. Maybe 80s censors thought pink was less revealing? Weird.
"Banshee's reaction was classic." As for Classic X-Men, I did read it, but honestly, I don't remember anything from those books, so I can't comment on what they might have done with Logan/Jean (anyone else care to?)."
I remember the back-up story,'First Night' from 'Classic X-men #1. Jean is moping about the grounds outside the mansion, Wolverine sneaks up and expresses an interest in her, she gets nervous. Logan say her reaction tells him "the feeling's mutual". Or something like that.
I don't care for back-ups, today they remind me of the Special Editions of the 'Star Wars' movies. They were unnecessary. And while John Bolton is a talented artist, I don't think he's a very good "super hero" artist, so those stories never did much for me.
I'll save my comments about the Scott/Colleen coupling for reviews of future issues.
Great issue. Byrne really was at his peak partnered with Austin back in those days. A couple of years later he seemed to become lazier with less detail and more broad strokes than in his earlier years.
Cyke was definitely a tight ass back then, never really comfortable in the role of leader but knowing then there really wasn't anyone else suitable for the role.
I believe Wolverine begrudges respect to Cyke in issue 127 after Wolverine's initial run in with Proteus. Cyke comes up with a in-the-field Danger room session to snap Wolverine out of his funk. They get in to it and as I recall, Wolverine goes almost into a berserker rage before Cyke cools him down.
These really were great runs back then. It's a shame that today's writers in the medium can't learn a thing or two about art layout and storytelling from these past stories.
As always guys, keep up the great work.
As I've maybe mentioned before, due to the distribution practices of Thorpe and Porter in Central Scotland in the Bronze and Silver Ages, one sure place to get Marvels was in the landward shopping areas of airports! During the autumn holidays, my dad was stuck for something for us to do, so I first glimpsed this issue (having missed the previous one)while plane-spotting in Prestwick Airport. I skipped buying it for the Avengers instead; I could probably only afford one comic that day. Just imagine: they cost 30 times as much nowadays!
A week or so later, I got X-men 114 one lunchtime and kept trying to sneak a peek at it in my schoolbag in music class. It was the first time I'd actualy seen Sauron, although I knew the name from the lettercol of the first Sunfire issue. That, and further references to Tolkien in Monsters on the Prowl 16 (the Kull/swamp story)had led me to read the Lord of the Rings around 1975/6.
Wait a minute...Sauron was on the last page?
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