Doug: Here we sit, on the cusp of a New Year. I generally don't pay much attention to "special" days like January 1st. To me, it's just a date on the calendar. Take my birthday for example. I know some people get all bent out of shape if they don't get the family out to dinner on THE DAY. Me, whatever whenever. So while I might be in the minority on such things, this time of year seems a time to regularly reflect on what just was as well as look forward to what might be. Here in BAB land, that might have a little something to do with comics, music, DVDs, etc.
Doug: One goal I sort of achieved was the dissolution of my comics collection. While I still have around 125 books staring at me, the project I started in August of 2014 is basically done. As I mentioned yesterday I am moving now into other things. You want some Slurpee cups? Stick around -- those may just hit eBay sometime in 2015. Another goal I had was to read The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke. While I generally enjoyed it, I found it a little different than I'd anticipated. Previously I'd only seen the DVD of the same name -- to say it condensed the story would be an understatement. Lastly here, and I've said this a bunch, my decision to finally seek out Ed Brubaker's Winter Soldier material was a wise one. I'm looking forward to continuing that exploration in the coming weeks and months.
Doug: So what else is on my horizon? Some of you are going to laugh, some will be incredulous... I want to read Don McGregor's "Panther's Rage" storyline. I have never read it. I came to Jungle Action after that long arc had concluded. I bought the Black Panther Marvel Masterworks a few years ago (it's a massive book), and have never committed to plowing through it. I really want to check that off my to-read list in 2016.
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Doug: I want to commit to myself to continue reading stuff that's out of my normal superhero wheelhouse. I've remarked over and over how much I enjoyed Marvel's Monster of Frankenstein series, and my first foray into Swamp Thing was intriguing. I'd like to get back into the two Adam Strange Archives that I purchased. And I still have quite a few Joe Kubert Tarzan stories to read. What's on my bookshelves right now could keep me pretty busy.
Doug: The cinema will beckon several times, as the next Captain America flick, The Legend of Tarzan, and Dr. Strange will be slam dunks. I will most likely see X-Men: Apocalypse. But I guarantee that I am totally up in the air on whether or not to see Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice as a first-run film. My enthusiasm is virtually non-existent for that one.
Doug: OK, enough of my musings -- what are you thankful for and/or looking forward to as 2015 yields to 2016?