Doug: Back on Monday, November 30, I was watching the Chicago Bulls play the San Antonio Spurs in an NBA tilt. It was playoff-caliber basketball, and the level of talent on the floor was top notch throughout the game. The stars played like stars, and the role players did their thing. In the end it was an exciting finish, certainly worthy of the investment of my time. During the game I was texting with my sons and I made the comment that if I wasn't a Bulls fan I could be a Spurs fan. I don't really follow that team, but every time I do see them play I really appreciate their style.

Doug: All that was to say this -- we all have favorites: athletic teams, movies, foods, musical artists, superheroes, comics creators, etc. The door is wide open today. Pick something or someone that is your very favorite, and then suggest that if it/he/she was not, then you could get fully on board with something/someone else.
Doug: It's pretty well-documented that the Avengers are my favorite super-team. But if I wasn't an Avengers fan, my money would be firmly in the corner of the Fantastic Four. When I was buying back issues I was of course putting almost all of my resources toward finishing my complete run of The Avengers. But if I'd been wanting to chase another book, it would have been the FF (fully knowing that once I got down to those first half dozen issues I'd most likely have been on the outside looking in).
Doug: Your turn now -- anyone going to get in the corner of chocolate donuts after powdered sugar donuts?
Actually, Doug, for me it's powdered cinnamon donuts; but if they weren't number one I'd go with "little chocolate donuts" (as immortalized by John Belushi).
Wide open area for consideration, here. So here's a few:
Sports teams: If I wasn't a Colts fan, I'd be a Packers backer. If not the Cincinnati Reds, it would be the Cubbies.
Comics- Spider-Man is tops for me; if not for him= Batman. Team: Opposite of your choices, Doug- FF first, Avengers second...although if asked on a different day, the answer might be the other way around...
Bands: Beatles first and foremost. If they had never been (horrors!!!), Steely Dan tops my list.
Guess that's a start, anyway...
I guess if I hadn't been such a big Spider-Man fan back in the day, I'd have probably put all my efforts into Daredevil. I think I actually liked DD before Spidey. In fact, I had set a goal in high-school to someday have a complete run of Daredevil comics, but somewhere along the line, I got more into the web-head, and switched my focus over to him.
After many many years I did in fact complete my Spider-Man collection, and then sold the entire thing. (As I've stated on here before). But what's Ironic, is that I no longer own any Silver-Age Spider-Man comics, but I still have several old Daredevil books. Like DD #4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21, etc. (I sold my DD #2, 12, 13, 14, and 18 way back in 1992 and I still kind of regret it). But still, without too much effort, I could probably complete my DD run one of these days. But I just don't have the drive to put in the money and the effort like I once did.
If I hadn't been all about Spiderman and his whole soap opera like storylines, Iron Man would have been my favorite. But IM stories seemed to get worse during my collecting days in the late '70s. It seems like IM stories got better in the early '80s after I was out of comics. I'm glad to see IM as such a big part of the MCU but I attribute most of that to Downey playing himself.
Musically I became a huge Rush fan in high school in the late '70s but had a college roommate turn me on to the Who. So now when asked for my favorite bands I rank Rush as #1 and the Who as #1A.
Doug, I can also relate to liking the Spurs. I don't really have a favorite NBA team but when the playoffs get going I find myself almost always pulling for the Spurs against just about anybody else for all the reasons you mentioned.
If I wasn't a Marvel fan I'd be a DC fan, or at least a much bigger fan of DC. It's likely due to Marvel making a deal with The Electric Company that allowed them to feature Spider-Man when I was a little kid. If DC had made a similar deal, I'd probably be a bigger fan of the Distinguished Competition.
Don't get me wrong, I like DC comics and characters, but Marvel has always been my favorite by a wide margin.
Fun topic. If I wasn't a fan of the White Sox fan I would be a Cubs fan... Very little cross town rivalry here. If I wasn't a Bears fan, I'd be more happy. And I'd be either a Panthers or Bucaneers fan; cheering for a team in a warm climate so I can root for them in retirement. Redartz, not the Packers!
If I wasn't a Boston Cream fan I'd be a Coconut Donut fan. If I wasn't a coffee fan, I'd be a tea fan. If I wasn't a gyro fan I'd be a fan of baby back ribs. If I wasn't a Dr. Pepper fan, I'd be a Ginger Ale fan.
If I wasn't a Stones fan, I'd be a Who fan (for now). But I'm really enjoying Thin Lizzy right now.. If I wasn't a Marvel movie fan, I'd be a DC TV fan.
If I wasn't an Avengers fan, I'd be a Doom Patrol fan (today)! For solo characters, if I wasn't a Sub-Mariner fan, I'd be a Captain America fan (today)! But William's suggestion of Daredevil is bringing back some memories of the Gene Colan work that I really liked on that title.
If I wasn't a dog fan, I would be a fish fan.
Wow Redartz I was gonna say the exact same thing about being a Spidey fan and choosing Batman if I wasn't! Now that is weird ....
Hmm what else? If I wasn't an X-men fan I'd go over to the Defenders camp (the lineup with Hulk, Doc Strange, Valkyrie and Nighthawk please!).
If I wasn't a fan of fried chicken I'd be a spaghetti and meatball fan! OK now I'm just running on fumes ...
- Mike 'fan of fandom' from Trinidad & Tobago.
Boy, seems to be a lot of 'Amazing Spider-fans' around here... :)
Redartz, not that surprising, given that most of the people who frequent this blog are (obviously) fans of Bronze Age comics who are also mainly Marvel zuvembies. I think the Venn diagram for that category and Spidey fans shows a pretty significant overlap.
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