Doug: I'm talking Daredevil again this time, kiddie-winkies, in the conclusion of the Owl story that we looked at last week. Today's fare is Daredevil #117, cover-dated January 1975. This month Chris Claremont worded over a Steve Gerber plot, while Bob Brown returned to the pencilling and was inked by Vinnie Colletta.
When last we saw our heroes, the Owl and his henchmen had disabled DD and the Black Widow. We open this month's installment to find them strapped to lab tables. As the Owl begins to drain Daredevil's mind (which will leave him in a vegetative state), the Widow suddenly finds the strength to burst her bonds -- which, by the way, happened to be made of 1/2" steel.

Tasha takes the deal: Go to an address and kidnap the lady of the house. Well, the address happens to be a penthouse apartment, and the lady, even though asleep, isn't going easily. Some lingerie wrestling ensues, albeit in silhouette (no details, Vinnie?), and our sleeping beauty turns out to be none other than Shanna the She-Devil! The Widow takes Shanna back to the Owl's lab, where Shanna feigns unconsciousness.

The Owl releases some gas (no, not like that), which greatly disturbs the two ladies. It doesn't seem to affect DD, though, and he is able to wallop the Owl. But the Owl is able to escape and take the battle to the air. But Daredevil is still without his billy club (lost in issue #115 in battle against the Death-Stalker), so it's a short-lived pursuit. But like a dope, the Owl flies back within range and DD takes him down. Then it's back to the ladies. As the story concludes, Daredevil and the Widow have a heart-to-heart, kiss, and part ways.

Claremont's words are sometimes off in this story. It's a bit of a comedown from Gerber last issue. And while I generally enjoy Bob Brown on characters like Daredevil, his art is inconsistent -- at times the Owl looks like he was rendered by Gene Colan, but at other times there's some George Tuska-like lines. I'd also say that ol' Bob had a strange viewpoint on women's breasts -- talk about defying gravity!! Maybe he saw all women as wearing those super-pointy bras that were popular in the 1960's... even when they sleep, as seemed to be the case for Shanna! You might also say it looks like he was drawing the old L'eggs containers! And as for Vinnie Colletta -- scratchy like he'd never been before. The inks in this issue really don't help Bob Brown. I am presently about halfway through the TwoMorrows book The Thin Black Line, which is a biography of Colletta. Many of the faults discussed are present here. But hey -- overall this was a good Daredevil story, from "my" era.

Karen: As we join our undead goliath, he's just been shot by Vincent Frankenstein, a relative of the original who wanted to carry on the family business. He in turn was shot and killed by a maid(!). I'm sure it made more sense if you read the entire story, but unfortunately I don't have that issue, so we're going to have to deal with it. So, justice served, the Monster staggers off to die, and he's not unhappy about that. After an messy encounter with some wolves, he stumbles off a glacier and wi

Karen: One of the crew schemes to make some money off the unfortunate creature. He plans to take the Monster to his brother, who runs a traveling carnival -hoo boy, cliche upon cliche! He and his brother sneak the Monster ashore and install him (still in suspended animation) in the freakshow. It is there that he is seen by Derek McDowell, "brilliant young neurosurgeon", who recognizes him as Frankenstein's creation. So it seems like we're all set up for some interesting events when we turn the page and -poof! We get a four-panel recap of events which took place in the magazine Monsters Unleashed issues 2,4, and 6! What the heck? And I thought modern cross-overs were bad! Seriously, this stopped me dead in my tracks while

Karen: Talk about a let-down. I thought the story started well. The Monster's desire to end his existence was touching and while I was unprepared for the jump forward to the present, I could even handle that. But the Monster stopped being a character in the story about mid-way through. Then we have the cobbled together ending -I suppose they must have made the move to modern times in the magazine first, and then used the comic to explain it? I'm fairly confused. If anyone has read those old monster mags, I'd love to hear what the deal was. I thought the art on this issue was pretty good; Mayerik seemed to have a real feel for the Monster, although I would prefer a more "moody" inker than Colletta. His thin lines do no favors to the pencils.
1 comment:
OMG, that silhouetted page rocks! Bob Brown and Vince Colletta on Daredevil was classic stuff, never seen this type of comic art. I don't know what page of DD #117 its on but the bottom panel where Natasha is thinking "I don't want to hurt her" is a masterpiece of art, inking and boobs! You are right, Colletta's inking of the Owl was incredible in that issue.
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