Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving, from the Bronze Age Babies!

Happy Thanksgiving from Karen and Doug! All the Best of the Season to you and yours!

From JSA #54. Art by Don Kramer and Keith Champagne

Art by Mark Dos Santos


Rip Jagger said...

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. I love this holiday, it's not yet been completely overrun by commercialism as have so many others. I know that "Black Friday" has now invaded, but that's another thing apart from the holiday (part of Christmas) which is still seen as somewhat alien to the Thanksgiving sentiment of giving.

Rip Off

Edo Bosnar said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all Stateside BAB compadres. Hope you enjoy yourselves while I sit here at work (o.k., it's not so bad: I treated myself to a burger and fries for lunch).

Humanbelly said...

Looking to be a quiet, but happy & pleasant, Thanksgiving Holiday here in the HB household. Much more to be thankful for than we are probably even fully appreciative of-- and it's always good to have this day early in the holiday season, when we can look at what's good in our life with a clear (and properly humble) eye.

Our one odd point this year is that we have an injured yard duck that my wife wants me to hold on my lap while watching the game, with an icepack strapped to its bad knee. We do indeed have a real-life lame-duck. . . (he'd best be giving thanks that we already have our turkey. . . !)


Philip Marlowe said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Now what time do we all go to either Karen or Doug's house? ;)

And what is your favorite pie?

Anonymous said...

Yes, happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends - just an ordinary day here and I'd completely forgotten it was Thanksgiving till I read this post :)

Humanbelly said...

Karen's house AND Doug's house-??
Boy, talk about yer tough Holiday commutes--

Doug, we'll get to you by about 9:00 tonight. Karen-- better keep the gravy warm until, geeze, sometime in the we hours of Saturday morning. . .

HB (bringing an appetite-- go heavy on the chocolate!)

William said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! (And happy Thursday to our non-U.S. BABers)!

HB, your duck story really brightened my day.

I myself, have already spent most of the morning helping my wife finish some chairs she was decorating for a client that she promised to have done by Thanksgiving. So a little later on I get to deliver them. I don't really mind though, because it will get me out of having to help bake pies.

Doug said...

Thanks for the kind wishes, everyone!

Dinner south of Chicago is going to be at 1:00. That's about the time, too, that the Bears should have thoroughly embarrassed themselves on national television. Halftime, yes, but it's been that kind of season.

As I type this, the Spider-Man balloon just went by in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Still a spectacle...

Come on back tomorrow -- we'll have a "Who's the Best...?" post for discussion. It looks like Karen has something cooked up for the weekend, assuming some technology comes together for her (mainly YouTube, I'd guess).

Enjoy your day,


Redartz said...

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, and warm wishes to all our friends around the globe! Enjoying a day off amidst a very busy time at work. As of now it is snowing, Kiss is playing on the parade and gingerbread cookies await downstairs. It's all good; may you all enjoy the day and the season. Be happy, be healthy, be safe!

Karen said...

Hi all and Happy Thanksgiving! If you're headed over to our house, I hope you're fine with grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches and garlic parmesan french fries -I'm not kidding, hubby is not a turkey fan (!! I know, insane) and it's just the two of us,so...but we will be having brownies for desert. Since we're a Cowboys/Niners home, there'll be a lot of football on the schedule today. So come on by and plop down on the couch.

Seriously, I hope everyone has a very pleasant and peaceful holiday. Thanks for dropping by to say 'hi'.

Redartz said...

Karen- enjoy your day and your meal! A grilled cheese sandwich is one of life's little treasures, especially accompanying a bowl of tomato soup...

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, and be careful tomorrow...Black Friday gets crazier every year!

Mike W.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all my US pals up there! Hope you ate a lot of turkey!

- Mike 'blue Saturday' from Trinidad & Tobago.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving you guys!!! Doug/Karen Karen/Doug thanks for all the great posts and jogged memories!!!!

The Prowler (just the two of us, we can make it if we try, just the two of us, you and I).

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to Karen and Doug and to all!
I'm a rebel and I don't play by the rules, so I'm makin' spaghetti today! mp

Humanbelly said...

I. . . I once ate spaghetti 32 days in a row, mp.
(Possibly one of the best months of my life, gastronomically speaking. . . !)


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