Sunday, January 11, 2015

Feeling Antsy?

Karen: Howdy folks.  Catching up on recent events, any thoughts on the Ant-Man movie trailer that came out last week (posted below)? I'm just wondering if people are excited about this or what expectations might be for it. Also, I know we have a few Hank Pym fans around here, and since he won't be donning the Ant-Man suit but playing the mentor role to Scott Lang, how does that strike everyone?


Philip Marlowe said...

My first thought upon seeing the trailer was "Sheesh, Michael Douglas sure gets a ton of dialogue and that's just in the trailer!" I suppose his role is like that of Robert Redford's in Captain America, to provide actorly cred to yet another comic book film. The use of elder statesmen--many of whom I'm thrilled to see in films made "for the kids"--reminds me of some early 1980s movies where heretofore "anti-establishment" actors played against type as gruff men in positions of authority. Warren Oates in Stripes and Blue Thunder immediately comes to mind.

This Ant-Man trailer also came off as being quite self-conscious, and that's not a good thing. I feel that the "ironic, self-conscious of its origins" humor needs to go away and the film should just accept itself without any tongue-in-cheek nonsense; there's enough of that in the other films.

I forget that there are often multiple trailers, each focusing on a different aspect of the film--and further refined to appeal to whichever demographic and on which channel it airs. An Ant-Man ad played on, say, TNT, would not be the same as one that airs on Lifetime. The Age of Ultron trailer showing the heroes lounging around and trying to lift Mjolnir off the table not only showed that the film has some comedy and light heartedness, but also portends future events (if I know my non-Steed-and-Mrs. Peel Avengers lore).

Just going by the trailer. I'm sure my views will change upon seeing the film.

dbutler16 said...

I can't believe this film is actually going to happen. I hope it does well, but like C.K. Dexter Haven, I'm not too fond of the "is it too late to change the name" type of humor. I suppose it's necessary to appeal to a large audience, but it seems to me that the creators of all of the comic movie are embarrassed that they're working on comic movies and either resort to tongue in cheek humor like this (to let the audience know that they think it's silly too) or give all the superheroes black leather outfits and make the movies dark and gritty.
Oh well, enough grousing. I'm sure it'll be nothing like the comic version, but as long as it's entertaining, I'll be happy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wasn't too impressed by the trailer either, but then I've never been a huge Ant Man/Hank Pym fan anyway; I was much more impressed with Agent Carter...great start!

Mike W.

Philip Marlowe said...

I forgot to mention that the entire time the Ant-Man trailer was on, I kept wishing we'd get an ATOM movie! Of course, with DC, it has to be "dark" and "edgy" for it to be a success. So much for the Fantastic Voyage-type Atom film I was hoping for...

Martinex1 said...

I really enjoyed seeing Ant-Man flying on an ant. I thought that was awesome. I also like his costume and helmet and think that is fairly faithful to the comic. I like Paul Rudd and think he will make it enjoyable and will be a decent Scott Lang. I would have liked to see a young Henry Pym and have him as part of the Avengers, but I'm willing to see how it all plays out. I am not sure about Yellowjacket as a villain. I always liked Yellowjacket in the comics and again would have liked to see Pym in the classic costume. I am not sure about YJs extra limbs in the movie and I miss the YJ symbol on his chest. I probably would have preferred seeing Taskmaster, Whirlwind, or even the Porcupine in the villain set. But Marvel movies really have not disappointed thus far and the flying ant actually looked decent so I am keeping my fingers crossed. (I hope they surprise us with some Giant Man too).

Edo Bosnar said...

Like with most of the Marvel films, I think I'll just wait to see it before I make any assessments. Seems to look o.k., even though I'm least happy with the casting choices in this instance, i.e., both Rudd and Douglas wouldn't be my first choices.

By the way, C.K. prompted me go watch that Avengers trailer with the Mjolnir scene. Best part: when Cap tries and there's this brief instant when it seems like it's about to move, and this look of astonishment flashes over Thor's face...

The Prowler said...

Not a Paul Rudd fan but then again, he's in some stuff I really like. That being said, still not a Paul Rudd fan. Really hoping it doesn't end up like the Green Hornet. Seth Rogen killed that movie.

What the movie does seem to be doing is not only bringing Ant-Man, or if you prefer the Douglas treatment, THE Ant-Man to the big screen, it also serves to expand the Marvel Universe. From the casting list, this movie will include Agent Carter and Howard Stark. And introduce us to Janet Van Dyne's The Wasp, Hank's and Jan's daughter, and Cross (from Cross Technologies?). There was always a bit of that unspoken question of what happened to the world between Captain America, the First Avenger and Hulk/Iron Man. Were there heroes active during the 60s/70s? Could be, we don't know, and Marvel isn't ready to tell.......yet.

Anyhoooo, seems we'll have to wade through the second Avengers movie before we get to Ant-Man. And I agree with Edo, the look on Thor's face when Mjolnir wiggles just a bit in Roger's hand is priceless. One last tidbit: Spoiler Alert for any and all. From what I've heard, and this should be classified as a rumor, the reason Hulk goes after Iron Man in the Avengers movie is Tony keeps changing Banner's ringtone to Green Onions.

(So like, right now for example. The Haitians need to come to America. But some people are all, "What about the strain on our resources?" Well it's like when I had this garden party for my father's birthday, right? I put R.S.V.P. 'cause it was a sit-down dinner. But some people came that like did not R.S.V.P. I was like totally buggin'. I had to haul ass to the kitchen, redistribute the food, and squish in extra place settings. But by the end of the day it was, like, the more the merrier. And so if the government could just get to the kitchen, rearrange some things, we could certainly party with the Haitians. And in conclusion may I please remind you it does not say R.S.V.P. on the Statue of Liberty. Thank you very much).

Rip Jagger said...

I never thought I'd live to see this movie made. Sadly I get a Daredevil vibe off this one. I liked the DD movie a lot but lots of folks didn't. We'll have to see.

Rip Off

dbutler16 said...

Hey, Rip, I liked Daredevil a lot, too. Glad to see I'm not the only one! The Director's Cut was better, but I liked both versions.

david_b said...

Jury's a bit out for me.. Like the setup, it's nice Douglas is in there.., but like others, also hated the 'change the name?' bit at the end.

RULE 1: You never, NEVER want to make your heroes defensive or apologetic for their moniker or appearance.

It should always be a source of heroic pride, not embarrassment. Downey touched on it slightly with his 'Yeah, we're call Avengers' tone in the first Avengers film, talking to Loki. But the overall awesomeness of the film greatly crushed that brief self-deprecating moment.

That being said, I know it's been Stan's baby for decades now, to finally make an AntMan film.

"....We shall see...."

Dr. Oyola said...

I like Paul Rudd. I like Scott Lang. I like self-awareness/self-reflexivity. The flying on an ant looked cool.

I am cautiously looking forward to it. But we'll see, since I really didn't like GotG or IM3.

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