You've come across a blog that we hope will be a lot of fun.
Your hosts are Doug, a high school social science teacher based in the Midwest, and Karen, a research scientist based in the Southwest. We're about the same age, and despite our lack of geographic proximity, had some similar interests and experiences growing up throughout the 1970's-1980's.
Lyndon Johnson was president when we were born, and Ronald Reagan was about to leave the White House when we were wrapping up college.

You'll see discussions of all things pop-culture. One week we might take a look at a film of the era (like Planet of the Apes or Logan's Run), another week it might be a review of a comic book story (Amazing Spider-Man #'s 121-122 -- the deaths of Gwen Stacy and of the original Green Goblin).
We'll tell you what music we were listening to at a given period of our childhood, and what toys we were playing with.
So stop by from time-to-time, and be sure to leave a comment or reminiscence of your own.
Doug and Karen