Karen: While on one hand I am glad to have Steve back and bringing some sense of order to the Marvel Universe, this idea that he is now reporting to the U.S. government bothers me. Perhaps it's because I began reading Cap around the time Steve Englehart had his tremendous run on the title. Englehart's Cap did a lot of soul-searching, particularly during the Secret Empire storyline, and came to the conclusion that his responsibility was to the Constitution and the ideals of the country, not to any one administration or president. That made a lot of sense to me. Times change, the people in charge change, but the Constitution is forever and whatever it is that defines America lies within that document. Later writers continued to build on these ideas.
Karen: We've seen a number of times in the past where Cap came into conflict with the government -most recently, in the Civil War -and he's restated again and again that he owes allegiance to the country and its ideals, but is willing to defy the government when he feels it is not in accord with the laws of the land. On the other hand, he has also scrupulously followed the law as much as possible throughout his career, and obviously respects authority.
Karen: But does it make sense now for him to come back and essentially take on a job with the government? Yes, I know, in World War II he worked for the government, but he was a soldier in war time. Later, after he was revived by the Avengers, he wanted a position in SHIELD. But both of these occurred before his pivotal involvement with the Secret Empire, and the conclusions he reached afterwards. After all he has been through, wouldn't it only strengthen his belief that he needs to be outside of the government?
Karen: I'm sure at some point, we'll see Steve back as Cap, especially with a new movie coming out. But will that Cap be his own man? Or a government man?