Wednesday, November 2, 2016

It Was Yesterday Once More

The first Bronze Age Babies masthead, c. June 2009

Doug: Karen started it. She did. In 2007 I am almost positive I'd never read a blog. Oh, sure -- I knew what a blog was. But I don't think I'd ever read one. She twisted my arm, though, and along with a third partner we embarked on the "Two Girls, a Guy, and Some Comics" site. Around 18 months later we landed here in this little corner of the Internet, where it's been childhood and teenage memories every day since. Here's what we said on June 16, 2009:


You've come across a blog that we hope will be a lot of fun.

Your hosts are Doug, a high school social science teacher based in the Midwest, and Karen, a research scientist based in the Southwest. We're about the same age, and despite our lack of geographic proximity, had some similar interests and experiences growing up throughout the 1970's-1980's. Lyndon Johnson was president when we were born, and Ronald Reagan was about to leave the White House (make whatever joke you feel is necessary right here!) when we were wrapping up college.

You'll see discussions of all things pop-culture. One week we might take a look at a film of the era (like Planet of the Apes or Logan's Run), another week it might be a review of a comic book story (Amazing Spider-Man #'s 121-122 -- the deaths of Gwen Stacy and of the original Green Goblin).

We'll tell you what music we were listening to at a given period of our childhood, and what toys we were playing with.

So stop by from time-to-time, and be sure to leave a comment or reminiscence of your own.
Doug and Karen

Doug: That was the only post we published that June. In July, we ran five.

Doug: In the succeeding 7 1/2 years we've published almost 2300 posts, 679 of which were reviews; we've also sent out almost 13,000 tweets. There have been 3.7 million pageviews on our blog (Holy cow!). And some of you have been alongside us almost every step (and occasional misstep) of the way. Today, for the foreseeable future, the Bronze Age Babies goes into hibernation.

Karen: This isn't an easy decision for either Doug or me. The BAB, as we've come to call it, has been a consistent part of our lives, and we truly value the community that has been created here. It's become much greater than anything we could have imagined or hoped for back in 2009, and we want to thank you all for contributing to it. Reading your comments and engaging with you, getting to know everyone -well, it's just been terrific. But a lot has changed over the years, and we're both at a point now where we have too many other demands on our time to continue the BAB with the care it deserves.

Karen: Personally, I want to say thank you for listening, as I've discussed all the geeky things I love, and for making me feel welcome. As a woman, and a girl growing up loving comics, monsters, and science fiction, this has not always been the case. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for treating me like "one of the guys" and either nodding along with me, or telling me when you thought I was full of BS, but always doing it in the spirit of good-humor and respect! It means a lot to me. I hope as I manage to come out from under what is currently an oppressive work load, I'll have more time to roam the various comics blogs and I'll see some of you out there. 

Doug: Karen said "to continue the BAB with the care it deserves". To some extent this blog has become like a child; certainly a member of the family. It's been in need of more care than we've been able to give it on our own, so we certainly don't want to leave this space today without a grateful nod to all those who've contributed as guest writers and guest reviewers over the past couple years. And even before that it was so helpful to us when our friends and readers left us recommendations in the Suggestion Box or during one of our requests for creativity. That was more valuable than you could imagine. But to Redartz and Martinex1 -- you guys were willing to come aboard as "staff writers" (you know Karen and I felt like big shots when we expanded this operation!) and truly take days of posting off our plates. Your presence as regular contributors added new life to the BAB, taking us into conversations that were uniquely your own. We have all been better for it. Thanks so much. And one more shout-out to Dr. Oyola for the professional-looking mastheads we've used over the past three years or so. He did good work, didn't he? Above and below are samples of what I used to cobble together with PowerPoint.

Doug: So what's ahead for me? I am going to read some comics without the mindset of writing about them and scanning from them, that's what I am going to do: just read. I had placed the graphic novel March on the sidebar as an upcoming review topic. I finished reading the third and final volume the morning of October 22nd. While you won't see any extensive thoughts from me here, I will just say "read it" -- in these turbulent political times, every American should; indeed, there is meaning for every human being regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin. I tweeted to Representative John Lewis (D-GA), the author of March, and told him that he is an American hero. I got a response, and I treasure that.

Doug:  But I am going to miss the conversations about comics. You all have been my "regulars" at the comic shop on a Wednesday new-arrival day. The community we sought when we began is a real thing in my life now -- you should know that you've left over 36,000 comments on this blog. That will be missed -- those days when some among you came back again and again to keep a conversation rolling... those were special times. You have come here over the years not to show off your knowledge or to argue; the opportunity for reflection of a shared experience will become a void for me, I know. So I will need to create a presence of my own on other blogs that do something similar to what we have done here -- perhaps among our Super Blog Team Up partners. And down the line? I've for years fancied a blog dedicated to comic books with art by John Buscema. Maybe someday...

Karen: I can echo Doug and say I will miss the conversations. Already, as I write this days before you all read it, I feel a great swell of emotion, knowing that I will no longer get up each morning and (because of the time difference) see your comments in my inbox. And even if I was too busy to participate in a discussion, I still was happy to know that the BAB was providing a few minutes of fun for you all. I know that you'll find new places to go - perhaps even hosted by a few stalwarts we know??  - but being able to help create this space is something I'm proud of. If I ever manage to get some spare time again, I might wind up blogging, but it might be about more free-ranging topics. I may have said all I have to say about comics. I mean, it's been 7+ years!

Karen: Before I lock up my desk and turn off the light, I want to give props to my partner. He has worked so hard on this blog, really taking on the role of publisher, and adding so much extra, like the Twitter feed, to create something special. I may have started us blogging, but Doug has been the driving force behind BAB for years. On top of that, he's just a flat-out good person, as I'm sure you've all gathered. There's no way we could have gone so long, done so many reviews together, without his hard work and good will. So cheers partner.

Doug: Stop it… you’re making me misty. Karen has also been a rock, even in those times when life threw her a few curveballs. She has stretched me as a writer (shoot, partnering with an author whose thoughts run in Back Issue? Give me a break…), and as I’ve said many times, I have read so many comics because of the BAB. I always appreciated the days when her posts ran, as her passion for topics on which I am not well-versed shined loud and clear. We've made a great team. And who knows? Maybe we aren’t finished talking comics. We have agreed to reach out to each other whenever we find a Bronze Age nugget worth discussing. But when that happens, those conversations will occur via email.

Doug: And to this day, believe it or not, the Bronze Age Babies have never spoken to each other.

Thanks for reading!

EPILOGUE: As Karen alluded above, our readers will have an alternative space to check out. Beginning tomorrow, November 3, 2016, Martinex1 and Redartz will be hosting a new blog. Please patronize them and leave them a comment at their new address, Back in the Bronze Age... You won't be disappointed, as we've already seen previews of several of their ideas. It is going to be fun!


RobAnderson said...

So sorry to see the site go into hibernation, but THANK YOU for a TON of wonderful posts! I love BAB! You guys did a great thing here.

Doug said...

Thank you, Rob. And as one of our former guest writers, another nod to our appreciation for your contributions.

And here at the top, I want to again plug the work of Martinex and Redartz on their new blog, which goes live tomorrow. For our readers who have enjoyed the content on the BAB, you won't be disappointed in what's coming. They will certainly have new ideas, but at least initially we think you'll feel right at home there.


Redartz said...

Karen and Doug- as sad as it is to lose our daily hit of BAB, it is also gratifying to think of how much you have given us. Years of posts- informative and entertaining, fun and engaging. The community that grew here has been priceless. Truly a gathering of friends. You both hit the ball out of the park, and can now celebrate a well-deserved victory lap.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to be a tiny part of this great place.Thank you both, from the bottom of my heart. Best wishes to you in all you do!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that the Bronze Age Babies site is ending. I greatly enjoy reading the reviews here and I am grateful that I was permitted to submit a half dozen or so of my own over the past half-year, which to my pleasure were mostly well-received. Reading the commentary from all contributors was something I looked forward to daily. Good luck to all, and I will certainly be tuning in to the new site by Redartz and Martinez for "Phase Two."

david_b said...

Like how I started my speech at my Mom's funeral,

"You never really expect this day to come, but it does."

I've never (nor will ever) have a more positive, thought-provoking, non-judgemental venue to share all things Zuvembistic, sci-fi movie love, at a roundtable of like-minded, thoughtful individuals. We have been quite a collective of engaging purists devoted to our shared love of all things Bronze, and just plain growin' up when 'Frampton Comes Alive' and WIN buttons were staples of every suburban household. As I've oft said, 'All my love to long ago'.

Hard to see another blog being as nurturing, but I'm looking forward to Redartz and Martinex1's new venture, will love to tag along and provide my silly, quasi-insightful comments. As Doug mentioned, we're ALL sure to feel right at home there.

My humble thanks to many a cold or otherwise difficult morning when BAB was just the place to be, where (apologies to Cheers!), everyone knew your name.


Edo Bosnar said...

Oh, man, ever since Doug gave me an e-mail heads up about a week and a half ago about some changes coming to BAB in November, I've been dreading this announcement, as I kind of suspected that you guys were going to close up shop. Definitely a case where I regret having my suspicions confirmed...

Nevertheless, thanks so much for hosting this blog all these years, Karen and Doug, especially since it was something done on a strictly voluntary basis with no financial reward nor remuneration of any kind. I have some idea of just how hard and time consuming it must have been, based on how much time and effort I spent doing just a few guest reviews/posts.
Seven years is a good run, and you've given all of us countless hours of enjoyment with your reviews, discussion posts, etc. Personally, I loved reading all of it, and everyone's comments every day, and in so many instances I learned about new pop culture stuff to read or view. So once again, a wholehearted thanks from me for everything, and good luck and best wishes to both of you in all of your future endeavors.

Doug said...

Thanks so much, all of you, for your kind words. This blog was nothing but successful in that it fulfilled its mission. As David said, a community grew where everyone knew your name.

I am curious about something: I've long teased that my idea of a perfect "last post" would be a collection of the "rubber mask" reveals that we've used. Did any of you catch yesterday's post as the harbinger of today's announcement? If you did, thanks for not bringing it to everyone's attention, but I do wonder.

And again, to Thomas and Edo for your reviews and to David for the photos of the cubicle and of your Battlestar Galactica gear -- those were memorable posts that are just part of the larger history of this space. Thank you all.


Anonymous said...

So that's why yesterday's post was about rubber masks - I remember that the final BAB post was going to be about rubber masks but I assumed that would be years from now. This is a desperately sad moment as the BAB has been part of my daily lunchtime routine ever since late July 2013. I've so enjoyed reading all the posts and especially reading all the comments. Thanks a million times for all your efforts, Karen and Doug, and the best of luck in the future !!!

Anonymous said...

Doug, I remembered about the rubber masks before reading your comment, honest !!

Garett said...

Doug and Karen, thanks so much!! I was so happy to find this blog a few years ago, and it became my positive way to start the day ever since. Good vibes, intelligent and enjoyable commentary from all involved. I appreciated the topics from movies to comics to music, and that there could be different opinions expressed in a welcome environment. All the best to you two! Looking forward to the new blog!

Martinex1 said...

I want to share my thanks to both of you for creating and shepherding the blog for seven years. It was always a great place to come for respite, friendship, and humor. And thank you for allowing me to participate and to have a creative outlet in a comfortable place. As I have said before, you have created a true tribute to our generation's spirit through the prism of pop culture remembrances- and honestly the best has shown through. Good people and good times have been experienced here on a daily basis. And through it all you've tackled just about every topic imaginable. I will miss it all. Cheers and kudos!

vancouver mark said...

Every morning for me starts with visiting a daily prayer site, then a quick scan of the new day's headlines, and then the coffee is ready and I click over to the Bronze Age.

Thank you both for the hundreds, no thousands of hours of enjoyment.

And, since this place is shutting down anyway, let me break the rules and get urgently political just once, a voice crying in the wilderness from just across the border: Please America, whatever you do, do NOT vote for Clinton or Trump.
Vote for a third party or despoil your ballot, but refuse to accept the choice of Nero or Caligula.

God bless.

Doug said...

Way to go, Colin! I figured at least one of our long-timers would catch it.


londonlee said...

Sorry to see you go. This has been a great read, so nice to come across people from the same comics era as me.

J.A. Morris said...

I feared this when I read your e-mail about today's special announcement. I'm sorry that I haven't been around as much as usual, I've been dealing with some medical issues, and a friend has been ill. I had some ideas for "guest" reviews, maybe Martinex and Redartz will be open to that idea.

Karen and Doug, all I can say is thank you. BAB inspired me to create not one but two blogs about comic books and I'm forever in your debt for that.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Doug said...

By the way, to any of our "guest writers": if any of you wish to re-use work that you contributed to BAB, by all means take it via a copy/paste. If you need help with images, etc., just ask and we'll see what we can do. We claim no title or ownership to your work.



ColinBray said...

Thank you Karen and Doug for all the hours of joy. Change isn't always bad and now you will be able to enjoy comics without the burden of responsibility.

And thank you to the community you created, full of good people willing to share memories, humour and wisdom.

And maybe, just maybe, see you at the Back in the Bronze Age page...

Karen said...

Thanks everyone, for your well wishes. With so many argumentative and just plain unpleasant folks out there on the web, we sort of "hit the jackpot" as Mary Jane would say. It's always been a fun and enlightening experience to join the conversation with all of you. You know, the one thing we were most concerned about was leaving our little community in the lurch -but we hope you will check out Martinex1 and Redartz' blog and perhaps be able to maintain your connections. In any case, thanks for making the last 7 years so much fun! The best to you all.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I don't know what to say but...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Doug, Karen and all of the BAB community can be very proud of what was built here.

Looking forward to being "Back in the Bronze Age" tomorrow.


Selenarch said...

Thank you Doug and Karen. I've been lurking here for some time and never posted, but I've truly enjoyed this blog. And hearing from Doug talk about buying comics on the south side of Milwaukee (I bought regularly from a White Hen on Clinton and Howell, and I remember the Burnam Bowl shows) almost brought a tear to my eye, as I've never encountered anyone with the same experience. And I send my admiration to Karen as in my one foray into publishing on comics (in Comics and Classics, OUP) proved I just don't have the stuff to research that deep into pop culture no matter how much I might love it. So I wish you all good luck on your future endeavors and you have my gratitude for making all my visits seem like getting the monthly issue in the mail. All the best to you and yours.

Doug said...

Oana --

Thank you for your thoughts. We've often wondered about our "lurking" audience. It's nice of you to say those kind words today.

Best to you,


The Prowler said...

To all who have ever eaten an Easy Bake Oven cake....

Jumped on their bike to chase the mosquito truck around....

Punched holes in the lid for the Lightning Bugs.....

Hung your head out the window on a summer drive.....

Got 11 albums for a penny, double albums counted as two selections.....

Well, it was nearly all summer we sat on your roof
Yeah, we smoked cigarettes and we stared at the moon
And I'd show you stars you never could see
Baby, it couldn't have been that easy to forget about me

Baby, time meant nothing, anything seemed real
Yeah, you could kiss like fire and you made me feel
Like every word you said was meant to be
No, it couldn't have been that easy to forget about me

Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimes
Even the losers keep a little bit of pride
They get lucky sometimes

Two cars parked on the overpass,
Rocks hit the water like broken glass
I should have known right then it was too good to last
God, it's such a drag when you're livin' in the past

Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimes
Even the losers keep a little bit of pride
They get lucky sometimes

Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimes
Even the losers keep a little bit of pride
Yeah, they get lucky sometimes

Baby, even the losers get lucky sometimes
Even the losers get lucky sometimes

Even the losers get lucky sometimes
Even the losers get lucky sometimes
Even the losers get lucky sometimes

Guys, never EVER did I have more fun with my clothes on......

(and I see my Mary Ann walking away).

PS: and even a "robot" can cry!!!

Martinex1 said...

Can I just add that i have no idea how you timed this event with the day the Cubs may finally win a World Series! Surely a day nobody will ever forget.

Mike said...

As a subscriber for about 4 years, but someone who only occasionally commented (usually when the topic was something Batman) -- I just wanted to say THANK YOU for producing such a FUN blog!!! I mean, even the comments were respectful and reasonable ... you can't say that very often anymore. You guys did an absolutely AWESOME job ... thanks again.

I'll see you all over at "Back in the Bronze Age".

Doug said...

Martinex --

I have no idea how I'll react if the Cubs win tonight. As a mostly-frustrated fan for the better part of 45 years, there will most likely be tears.

And if they lose, I firmly believe the accomplishments of this season and the way they've come back in the World Series have wiped away a lot of pain for their followers. It may just need some time for reflection.


Kent Allard said...

So sorry to hear it, but very grateful for years of daily entertainment and information

RobAnderson said...

Thanks, Doug -- it was fun to contribute to the blog those couple of times! And I did already sign up for the Martinex and Redartz blog! One clarification, if I missed it in the initial post -- when you're talking about us grabbing copies of what we wrote, are you planning to take down the existing BAB website? Say it ain't so! Hoping it will stick around as a wonderful, evergreen archive...

Doug said...

I'm sorry, Rob -- great opportunity for clarification on my part. Thanks.

The BAB will continue to be live, just with no new content after tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll run a post that basically says we're closed for business. All commenting functions will remain active, the archives on the sidebar and the Library of Reviews at the top under the masthead will both be accessible. Karen and I will continue to receive email alerts about new comments, so if any maintenance (ie spam) or response is required, we can jump back into a conversation. Additionally, for the time being we'll continue to maintain the BAB Twitter account and Yahoo email account. So we're still around after today -- but most likely you'll encounter us elsewhere!


RobAnderson said...

Thanks, Doug! Glad we can still revisit all the great posts!

Graham said...

I've enjoyed visiting here for the past few years. It's been really fun to interact with (well, mostly read) people that are around my age that shared the same interests. There wasn't the case when all of this was originally taking place but it was good to know that you were out there.

Now that I blog (for 6 1/2 years) I can see how time-consuming it is, and how your blog becomes your "baby." In fact, you guys were an inspiration to me as far as setting up my own. Thanks for that.

It's been a blast. Thanks!!

Eric said...

Thanks for all the great work!

Going to miss it.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, when I got the "special announcement" email a couple of days ago, I kinda figured you guys might be packing it in. I've been coming here every day for so long, it'll take a while to get used to NOT clicking my shortcut...I'll probably do it automatically for the next week or so :)

Anyway, I just want to say I've really liked coming here every day and participating in the discussions. I'm usually a lurker not a commenter, but I always felt comfortable here. And thanks for giving me a platform for a few of my own reviews; if I ever start a blog (yeah, I'm still mulling it over), I'll owe you guys big for the chance you gave me to hone my writing style here.

So, thanks a lot Doug and Karen, for everything, and I'll (hopefully) see you in the comment section at Back in the Bronze Age :)

Mike Wilson

dangermash said...

Thanks both for all the entertainment you've provided over the years. I'll watch out for your names popping up in the comments on other websites.

Comicsfan said...

Karen and Doug, I feel like I’m saying farewell to good people I’ve only known for too short a time. You have every cause to be proud of the footprint you’ve made on the blogosphere and the good will you’ve cultivated among so many who gathered under your banner to share their memories. I hope your future pursuits bring you success and, certainly, the smiles and laughter you’ve brought to us. And needless to say: Excelsior!

david_b said...

Attention former and forever BABsters,

Let it be known throughout the Land of Bronze that david_b's officially the FIRST FOLLOWER at 'Back in the Bronze Age'...

Let the merriment begin. :)

Rob said...

Dang - sorry to hear that, but get it. Have enjoyed the blog for years, nicely done and farewell...


The Groovy Agent said...

Hate to see you go, guys. I love this blog (though I don't get to participate very often)and read it most every day. You both have such unique ideas for posts and a positive, energetic attitude in your writing. Anytime you have the urge to post something, you know the door is wide open at the Diversions!

Meantime, we'll all be looking forward to Martinex1 and Redartz's new blog. Knock us dead, guys!

Humanbelly said...

Oh no!
Oh dear- I am so, so sad-!

I'm late checking in today, and have been going through an accelerated Stages of Grief process as I've been reading down through the comments-- (although I skipped "Anger", truly I did. Nothing to be angry about, and it would be an inappropriate place to go, y'know?)

Doug, Karen-- this of course had to be an incredibly hard decision for you guys to make. You are, after all, a couple of normal folks with normal lives and schedules like the rest of us-- and I've long marveled at the fact that you've been able to expend so much of your own time, energy, creativity. . . chi?. . . lifeforce??. . . on producing and maintaining such a wonderful blog venue at such a demanding pace. I'm sure both of you at some point have wrestled with a variation on the Great Power/Great Responsibility theme in regard to it, yes? Any time you might think no one would notice if you guys just let it go, you'd look to the left of the screen, and there's several thousand site-visitors lookin' right back at you every day. Yikes! And so you'd soldier on, 'cause you love us and we all love ya back-!

Which is why we can say, yesyesyes-- as sad as we may be to see the BABs officially suspended-- our esteem and consideration for the both of you as our on-line friends far outweighs that feeling. You. . . have nurtured the rare and perfect fan-base here, where we're all mature enough and possess a sufficient abundance of good will to fully recognize that we most certainly do NOT want you guys to view this venture as being primarily a burden or a chore that is a detriment to your own lives. (Not saying that's where you are, mind you-- but I bet that's an imaginable path, yeah?) You guys are George Bailey, and all of us here are your grateful and appreciative friends and neighbors in Bedford Falls (IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE analogy/metaphor)-- you've given us plenty for many years, and that alone makes us happy.

Thank you one MILLION times over for your hard work, dedication, and unwavering diplomacy and decorum-- we are all better for having come into your orbit, eh?

Redartz and MX1-- Ha! You guys are two of the folks I'm usually most likely to agree with on something! (Edo'd be a frequenter of that circle as well--). "I agree with them", is probably going to turn into my go-to catch-phrase at you guys' blog!

Still kinda melancholy, yep-- but able to look happily ahead.


William Preston said...

I looked here every day. I'll miss this. You created a wonderful blog and a kind-hearted community—such a rarity, as you know.

What more is there to say?



Edo Bosnar said...

Cool, I'm in HB's circle. It's good to belong somewhere (yep, still rather devastated by the news, trying to sooth the sting with a bit of levity...)

Unknown said...

I completely echo William's post; discovered you guys by accident and you have been my night-time reading just about every night. Always respectful to each other and all who post, your wording paved the way for all posters to always be civil on this site; rarely seen these days.
As a Montrealer who grew up in the 70s, reading about your similar experiences in the US, brings back so many memories of good, peaceful times; this blog has felt like a never-ending summer; relaxed reading with reminiscing galore.
Thanks again for all the work you put into this.
Costa from Montreal

Anonymous said...

Doug, following up on your earlier response to Rob, I was just clicking around the Library of Reviews (wow that list is impressive). I have a feeling I will be re-visiting it quite often.

Long live the BAB!


Anonymous said...


Thanks for creating this wonderful blog, Doug & Karen. I will miss it but I understand why you're stopping. I'm sure we'll see you around on Martinex & Redartz's blog. Enjoy blog-tirement! (That's a word, right?)

- Mike Loughlin

Doug said...

HB --

Thanks for your thoughts. I think you are correct that at times a sense of obligation has indeed kept us rolling along. If you knew me outside of the screen you're looking at, you'd find me a very loyal person. I'd say there were days when I looked ahead in the queue and found nothing posted that I'd wrack my brain to toss something together. Maybe it was me worrying too much about things that in the grand scheme of life aren't that important, but I never wanted someone to come by here for a respite from life's other junk and not find something to discuss in a friendly atmosphere. But because of the pace of the blog (and to our friends out there who also run dailies, you have my sincere admiration), Karen and I can both state that we're mentally tired.

It's funny, because right now I have admin. rights on the Back in the Bronze Age... blog, as the boys were gracious enough to ask me to tag along for a short time in case they have questions or run into some troubles. I look at the 7-8 posts they already have in their queue and I'm so excited for what tomorrow (and beyond) will bring. It's fresh, it's sharp, and I think we'll all find a new hang-out soon enough.

Tom, thanks for the compliment on the Library of Reviews. It's a repository of seven year's worth of love for the stuff we've talked about. Unfortunately, it's not complete (because that would take, like, forever). A couple of things I had in mind, yet lacked motivation to actually write up, were The Batman Adventures #12 -- the 1st comic appearance of Harley Quinn and 1st appearance of Batgirl in that title, and of course the March graphic novel I mentioned in the post. I also had my eye on the Marvel Team-Ups with the Frankenstein Monster and Man-Wolf, but October got away from me before I could do anything about it. I was surprised at how many of you asked for more Deadman after my review in September; sadly, not gonna happen either. And back to the Library itself, I know it's in need of some maintenance. Some of the links to covers are broken, and spacing in some of the older posts is wonky I'd guess due to Blogger updates over time. So while I don't think I'll make it a project per se, I may do some spelunking of my own and take on a task when it presents itself.

Again, you all have been so great to us, and this outpouring today has been humbling. I'm glad we could bring a smile here and there over these past many days.


Terry in Virginia said...

Doug and Karen:

As a relative newcomer here at BAB, I'm saddened to see it coming to an end, but I wish you both the best. I'd been lurking here for close to three years, but only started posting occasionally over the past few months.

What I've gotten from you, among other things: A renewed interest in some of my favorite Marvel story arcs of the 1970s (Celestial Madonna, Secret Empire). I had all of those when they were brand new, but I sold my collection in 1977. Since I've been reading your blog, I've actually replaced all of those and many more (actual back issues, not TPBs).

I'm approximately 9 or 10 years old than you two, so I got my start with comics about 1965 (actually earlier, since I had two big sisters who had tons of the Superman titles along with their Archie comics). But the earliest comic I remember actually owning myself, when I was old enough to read, was 1965. One of my first comics might have been Avengers #20.

Although only 10 percent of my collection over the years were from Marvel, I agree with the general idea that Marvel was, most of the time, delivering better stories -- more fun, more action, less unnecessary exposition. And while my collection spans all periods, the late Silver and early Bronze ages remain central in terms of excitement and fun. I think both DC and Marvel were at their peak circa 1970-1974. DC saw a drastic drop in the quality of writing after that, while Marvel remained pretty strong through the remainder of the decade and at least into the early 1980s.

I still like a lot of stuff from DC's later days, especially post-Crisis late 1980s and well into the early 2000s. Didio and company made some serious errors in judgement leading into Final Crisis and have not recovered. I missed all the House of M drama and other upheavals at Marvel.

I'm rambling here, but I just want to say to both of you: Thank you for a real good time! I've enjoyed reading all your reviews and commentary, on comics, Star Trek, and related goodness.

A word of warning: I'm 58 years old, not all that far from 60. If you've loved comics as long as you both obviously have... then I don't think you'll ever grow out of it.

We can only hope that none of us do.

All the best...

Terry in Virginia

Karen said...

It was another busy day, but every so often I'd look at my email and see your comments. I am just so very touched by your kind words, and obvious affection for the blog, and what it has meant to all of you. Like we said in the post, we never could have imagined it would blossom into such a wonderful little clubhouse full of like-minded folks. That's something I'll always be able to look back on fondly.

But as Doug said in his last comment, as much as we have enjoyed it, it's been a tough journey at times. The pace of a daily blog is wearing. I certainly couldn't keep it up. It sure helped when we had guest writers and contributors. I really enjoyed the new ideas. Speaking of which, where is PF Gavigan? I loved his comic strips! They were really different and cool. I'll always think of HB as a little popsicle...

Face front, fearless ones! I'll see you Back in the Bronze Age some time...


B Smith said...

As Chris Claremont might say....I hurt.

Eric said...

Thank you for all of your hard work. Your blog was my local comic shop and I will miss reading both the reviews and the comments. Will you keep the domain up and running for a year or so? I like to go back and read earlier posts since I was late to the party.

Anonymous said...

"Lo, there shall be an ending!" - cover of FF #43

Well, what can I say? First off, thank you Doug & Karen for 7 and a half wonderful years of great work. The BAB was truly a refreshing oasis in the ofttimes tempestuous world of internet comics blogs.

While I'm sad to see the end of this blog, I can understand why you guys want to end it now. I was always amazed at how you all came up with great topics to discuss or review day in and day out. Even for professional bloggers it's quite a challenge to keep a blog relevant and fresh, and it's very easy for blogs to become stale and boring, something which the BAB never became, thank goodness.

Even though most people here know me as the nocturnal lurker here (gosh, that sounds so creepy!), the reason I post so late is simply I have more time at these late hours, and well, I'm a night owl - I think better at night! Even though I didn't post every day, believe me, I made sure that I read every single BAB blog post every day. Some topics left me cold (Vinnie Colletta's art!) but generally I enjoyed most of these discussions.

Doug & Karen, thank you, thank you, thank you for all the great memories. Even though I've never meet you personally, you are two of the nicest human beings I've encountered online, and all I can honestly say is that it was truly an honour and a supreme pleasure to be a part of the BAB.

In closing, I'd like to post a poem by JRR Tolkien called Journey's End (sincerest apologies to our resident BAB poet Prowler!):

Journey's End

In western lands beneath the Sun
The flowers may rise in Spring,
The trees may bud, the waters run,
The merry finches sing.
Or there maybe 'tis cloudless night,
And swaying branches bear
The Elven-stars as jewels white
Amid their branching hair.

Though here at journey's end I lie
In darkness buried deep,
Beyond all towers strong and high,
Beyond all mountains steep,
Above all shadows rides the Sun
And Stars for ever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
Nor bid the Stars farewell.

- Mike 'thank you Karen & Doug' from Trinidad & Tobago.

Dr. O said...

It's been a long day and so despite the fact I heard the news today (oh boy), I haven't had a chance to comment. I still feel like the new guy around here. I discovered this place when I was still living in Cortland, NY, still working on my dissertation, and was happy the day I changed my sign-off from Mr. Oyola to Dr. Oyola (and not one person on here was snarky enough to call me swoll-headed). Back then I used to be able to comment something most days, but once I started my current jobs it got harder to keep up and to comment frequently or early enough in the day to feel like part of the conversation (or sometimes days later - I swear 90% of my comments in the last 2 years are the last one on any particular post). But I always read the post, squeezing in a read between teaching classes or meeting with students, or during the commute on my phone.

Anyway, as I said in Twitter, I am pretty sure Doug and Karen and all the BAB crew are the nicest people on the internet, and I hope to see them and Edo and Mike from TnT and Colin and everybody! over at Martinex1 and Redartz's new place. And you are of course all welcome to come check out my writing on The Middle Spaces, the Middle Spaces Facebook page (for fan-scholar thoughts on comics and music) or my Notes from Comics Collecting tumblr (which may be more people's speed if they aren't into a cultural critic's view on comics).


Kyle said...

Thank you so much for your site, such an enjoyable and positive place to visit! I've only found it recently and sad to see it go into hibernation...

pfgavigan said...


Like our Bronze Age all good things . . .



Karen said...

Oh Mike in T and T...dang it, I was holding it together until you brought out Tolkien. Well done, sir.

Dougie said...

While I'm sorry to read this post, I sympathise. I haven't been able to maintain a weekly blog, having relocated across Scotland for a new job, so I can only imagine the pressures of daily posting. Thank you for your sterling efforts and all the best for the future.

Anonymous said...

I missed yesterday's post so I am just getting to this news this morning.
I have posted a few times anonymously but have read for years. It is a habit I will not like to break.
Special thanks to both of you, Doug and Karen, for these reminders of our shared youth. The comics, toys, tv shows, movies of the 70s wield such a powerful effect on all of our hearts. Those were not the best of times in my life, but revisiting them has put a cheery shine on them for me.
Thanks to all.


William said...

OMG! "Say it ain't so, Joe. Say it ain't so.

I was out all day yesterday and missed this post! Wow! So sad to see this news. This is (was) always the first place I went every morning (except yesterday of course) to get my shot in the arm of comic book and pop culture nostalgia.

I guess all I can say is "Thanks for the memories", and I wish you both the best of luck post-BAB. (sad face with tear).

William said...

Oh yeah, Doug and Karen, I almost forgot to say thanks for putting up with me, and even letting me post an article on BAB.

You guys were always the most gracious of hosts. This site was a ton of fun, and I definitely plan to continue on with Marti and Redartz over at Back In The Bronze Age (I guess we'll have to call it BITBA).

Anyway, once again. Thanks for all your hard work and effort to bring a little joy into the lives a bunch of old comic book geeks. Hope to still be able to converse with you once in a while over at BITBA (see what I did there). Take it easy. Excelsior!!!!

Doug said...

The commenting just isn't over until Mike from T&T shows up!

Yoyo, Dougie, William, and PFG -- it's been our pleasure. Thanks for your presence here these past years.


johnlindwall said...

Thank you so much for the years of fun! This was a really special community and I cannot recall any incidences of trolling or bad behavior. What a great bunch! Hope to see you all (and I include Karen and Doug in this) participating in the other bronzy-themed blogs out there!

ZIRGAR said...

I've been reading this blog for over four years now. I would always check with anticipation to see what was on the BAB docket for the day. I guess I just took for granted that it would always be here. I will truly miss it. Take care and thank you for all the enjoyment and fun you provided to myself and to others. Peace.

Charlton Hero said...

To Doug and Karen a special thanks for the excellent work consistently over the years. We started Super-Blog Team Up as a way to share great blogs and get eyes on our products. Along the way I became big fans of our teams work and the day I read the BAB I knew this was a special blog.

It has truely been an honor to have you both participating in our little group that is very much yours as it is ours. BAB has given plenty of great fans to other blogs and that is a high compliment!

I want to say thankyou for how you elevated what a comics blog could be and a light in the universe goes off when you close the doors.

Its been a pleasure..


Erik J Kreffel said...

Thank you for many interesting posts and vastly varied viewpoints towards our favorite era. Good luck on your future endeavors.

Unknown said...

Losing regularly post by Karen is like losing Bronze Age regular Elfquest Issues by Wendy Pini. :( :( ;(

Joseph said...

Damn it, damn it, damn it! I truly appreciate all your time and effort, Karen and Doug. This amazing blog helped to both fuel and keep my love of comics alive. It also connected me with your wonderful followers and the shared obsession of music, pop culture, etc. Best of luck to both of you !

What a great song the Prowler laid down. Another appropriate one would be Nilsson's "Don't Forget Me".

JJ said...

Just now seeing this due to a nutty work schedule. I was a latecomer to BAB but I quickly fell in love with this place. The topics and reviews were sensational, but the blog's best feature was its' easy going comment section. There you could be free to share your own memories, or even criticize the comics and art under discussion, and never have to worry about it turning ugly. In this day and age that kind of warmth is very rare. For that, Doug and Karen, you deserve a thousand thank yous. I will miss you guys and this wonderful blog. Best wishes - JJ.

Anonymous said...

Karen and Doug, maybe I'll see you on the BACK ISSUE! Fakebook page.

Thanks for the memories,


Ace Hamilton said...

I'm going to go back and read from the beginning since I missed the early years!

Thanks again and best wishes!

Doug said...

Well don't hold those early years' posts against us, Ace! Karen and I both feel like we got better as we went along.

What you will find, though, are some good discussion topics with few comments, as early on we just didn't have the following that had been established toward the later years.

Thanks for your interest, and happy spelunking!


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